Saturday 28 February 2015

The reason behind my new background

I was looking for inspiration at other blogs for my background when I realised, why don't I just put a background up of most my favourite things? I thought perfect.I also thought that it would let you get to know me better.

Firstly, tea, uh tea is just one of my passions in life without at least one cup a day I just get really down. I think its because I'm British and the caffeine. My favourite tea at the moment is just the normal Yorkshire Tea it varies a lot but that is a staple to have in your cupboard.

Secondly, my sunglasses, although its winter and I haven't been wearing them that often doesn't mean that my love for them have faded. I just love sunglasses full stop. 

Thirdly, my fujifilm instal mini 8 camera, I just think it is so beautiful and the whole idea of getting the picture instantly just excites me! 

Fourthly,(is that even a thing?), my fashion magazines, any one I just love them my particular favours are GQ, Vogue, Elle, 10 and Atlas. Obviously. I have the monthly subscription to GQ and I get so excited when it comes in the post.

Fifthly, a good book, at the moment I'm ready Wild which I was given by Estée when I won her giveaway and I am definitely part of her ButtonBookShelf, book club. I am really enjoying it, I really feel like I'm on this journey with her and how Cheryl wrote it is just brilliant.

And last but not least a candle, I just love candles they just make a room look instantly changed. They are just nice and I love the candle holders we have at home!


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