Sunday 21 May 2017

The majority of my role models are women

I have always been surrounded by powerful and successful women in my life and I think that has heavily influenced my life for the better. There has always been the idea that gay men and women have a bond and understand each other, I do understand this as we are both attracted to men however it really fascinates me as to how women and gay men interact with each other. It has only been a recent occurrence in my life where I have male friends, from a young age I have always levitated towards women and till this day I have many female role models. This is something which could be discussed forever and researched heavily both socially and scientifically but I just wanted to touch the surface of my thoughts.

On RuPaul's Drag Race, Lady Gaga said that without gay men she would not be the woman she is today and that really resonated with me because without women I don't think I would be the man I am today. I understand that my way of writing seems to be outcasting people who don't associate with either gender or are more fluid however in a way I think it does because doesn't what Lady Gaga said show that we are all actually similar?

Sometimes I feel isolated from other men, not all men and not all the time but there are times where women confide in me and ask me why the boy they like is acting the way they are and I can't even answer the question and I'm a male myself. I myself don't understand how some men act and think, this frustrates me because I like to be in control and understand everything which is not ideal as there are many things in this world which are not in my control. Maybe I don't understand some men because of the laws of attraction and because you are attracted to someone therefore you cannot understand them fully? I am trying to link this to the title however I feel as if I'm going off on a tangent.

What I am trying to get with talking about not fully understanding men is that maybe I understand women more although I could never totally understand what a woman goes through as I am not female. Is the idea of being a gay man having a dose of femininity and masculinity? However I'm not sure if that completely makes sense because I know many men who identify as gay but who do not have stereotypical female qualities. My mind is in a total, excuse my french, head fuck right now although I feel good being able to really get my teeth into something and find different perspectives within my own mind.

The idea of having female role models could stem from the idea that gay men rather than straight men and women have both been oppressed throughout history? Maybe that is where that connection comes from? I do personally have such a strong relationship with all the women in my life so that could be fathomable? And does seem like a valid point as it is human nature for people to bond through shared experiences.

I truly admire women so much and they have had to fight for everything they've got very much like the gays before me or any other oppressed group of people. I cannot tell you how many women inspire me daily from my mother to Alice Walker to Cynthia Erivo to name a few. I genuinely could go on all day with women who have an impact in my life. However I won't because this would end up just being a list of names.

I do not really know what has actually come out of writing this post however I feel that is opened up some interesting points and its something I would like to write about and discuss more. So sorry if this is all over the place.

Lots of love

George x
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