Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Present Ideas for People Like Me on a Budget!


The time for christmas music, mince pies, decorations, presents and good will, I could go on for ages! Because I just love christmas and everything about it. However because I'm still in school and don't have a job yet buying christmas presents for my family can be challenging and I'm sure a lot of people have the same problem. So here are some presents that I have purchased over the past two weeks.

Wrapping can sometimes cost quite a lot of money so I did some rummaging and found these three really nice and good quality necessities, wrapping paper, labels and curling ribbon for a grand total of £5.25!

Then I ventured into BHS ( British Home Stores) and bought this set of teas and jams. Oh how British?! For my Dad and Stepmum for  £12 and a camera shaped cookie jar for one of my sisters which was £10. In my opinion this shop is really convenient, there is everything in there and it isn't very expensive, they also have an amazing christmas section!

I then ventured to HMV to buy some DVDs for my other two sisters and my step uncle's girlfriend (see i told you my family is complicated!) I got the two Charlie and Lola DVDs for under £9 and The Polar Express was £2.50 if you bought another DVD. I absolutely love The Polar Express it is in my top 5 christmas films and I just think its a really lovely film and she hasn't ever seen it so I thought I needed to educate her! :)

I got this next present for my mum, its a mug (no really! sorry for stating the obvious) that she liked in this independent cafe in our nearest town called Juliets. It is so nice in there and if you are ever in or near Tunbridge Wells you should go there because they just do the most amazing food and drinks! EVER! My favourite hot drink is their Chai Latte, it's beautiful. 

Anyway when we had the Chai's we had them in this mug. This is a hot chocolate set so it comes with chocolate chips and marshmallows and this was £9.

 To Hotel Chocolat I went and got some chocolates for my auntie, step uncle and my uncle and auntie (on my dad's side). Pink Champagne Truffles, Billionaire's Shortbread and Christmas Eton Mess. That came to £9.45

I also bought a platter for my other "dad" and step mum, The Night Before Christmas for my other sister, a bottle of wine for my step grandparents and some chocolates for my grandma.

So here are the presents wrapped and ready to be opened!
I wish you all a very merry christmas and I hoped you found this useful, sorry if its a bit late.
This is for the people who haven't started their shopping yet ! :)


Sunday 30 November 2014

Girl Online Book Signing

On the 26th of November after a long day at school I ventured to Zoë's book signing and while waiting in traffic for about an hour and a half! We finally got there, by the way traffic is my pet peeve!

 In advance I am sorry for the bad quality of some of the pictures they were taken on my iPhone not my camera.

So when we finally got there we went to queue up and because I am me, I forgot the poster and letter I was supposed to give her. So I had to run back to the car and get it, it was probably the fastest I have ever ran I think it was the adrenaline. I got back and my heart was beating not because of the running but because I was going to meet one of my inspirations.

I have watched Zoë for so long and to be honest I can't imagine life without watching her videos. I'm not sure why but I love beauty youtubers like Zoë, Tanya, Estée, Gabby, Niomi. If I keep going this post will just be a very long list of beauty youtubers I watch. Some of my friends find it weird that I watch beauty videos because I don't watch them for tips and I don't wear make-up, but my answer always is I love them as people and even if they talk about a toilet brush I would watch it because they just take me to another world when they talk about what they are passionate about and because they are so interested that is why I am. Then after that I response with Tyler's famous quote 'You do you and I'll do me' which is one of my slogans!

Anyway gone off topic, so we waited in the queue for about two hours and finally with Girl Online in my hands we were told to go down the escalator and we waited outside the downstairs part of the book shop (Waterstones) then we walked in and I saw my first glimpse of Zoë Sugg in person. Here are some blurry pictures of Zoë below sorry my hand was shaking! Then after waiting for 5 minutes it was my turn to talk to Zoë I had butterflies in my stomach and then Zoë said 'Hi' and she was genuinely the nicest person I have ever met and we said we loved each other so that made my day! She looked so beautiful with her messy but perfect bun and her black pinafore dress with her cream shirt with a really cute pattern on it. I felt that i spent quite a while with her and she was so sweet and she was exactly the same in real life.
Zoe holding a pen!
Zoe signing her book!

My t-shirt was from Urban Outfitters
(I wore it because Alfie Deyes wore it in the BandAid30 video and I had it before 
and I got excited that we have the same taste)
My hoodie was from Topman
My black jeans were from Topman
My shoes were black vans 

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