Friday 13 January 2017

My favourite fragrances

Today I wanted to talk about scents because I don't think that I have spoken a lot about smelly things on my blog before. So I just wanted to share with you what fragrances I'm loving at the moment...

I think my all time favourite scent that I have come across is the Tom Ford, Black Orchid. I just adore the smell of it, I am really bad at describing smells so I won't go into it. People just always seem to complement it when I wear it so that's always a plus.

154 from Jo Malone is also a staple of mine and in my eyes is just timeless. I feel that woody smells are really sexy and I just love all things Jo Malone, the shop gives me life. It's so beautiful.

The second Jo Malone scent that I love is the Wood Sage and Sea Salt, I love this on this own but what I absolutely love is when I mix that and 154 together. Something just happens at it smells so good and I'm just really into it.

For a summery, holiday fragrance I love Beach Please from Hollister. It's just so fresh and besides from the name which I think is brilliant, I think it's just a great scent to have with you on holiday because it's just so easy. What I look for when I'm on holiday is easy living, I just spray and go and feel good knowing it fits with the holiday vibe.

So that's just some fragrances I love and I wanted to share with you, hope you had/having a great Friday night. I'm currently writing this on the train back from my friends 18th. This is also why there is no picture as this is rather last minute but I have said everyday and I can be a stubborn bitch.

Lots of love

George x

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