Tuesday 29 December 2015

December Favourites

I just want to apologise for my absence from the past few weeks, I've just had so much on with school and the christmas chaos that I just haven't found the time to upload the content that I really want to put out. One of my resolutions for next year is to make my blogposts a lot better and to potentially start a youtube channel. Anyway now onto the favourites...

Starting with tea, what a surprise! The tea I have been loving this month is the Christmas Cake tea from the Bluebird Tea Company, to me its the essence of christmas, it smells like christmas and it tastes like christmas. What more could you want during December?

Diary keeping-  these past few months I have been trying to keep a diary and I want this to follow on, however I haven't made myself do it every single day which has made me find it so much more enjoyable instead of it being just a chore. It's been really helpful to write my feelings down and to just let it out because people, myself particularly, don't talk about their feelings enough.

As one of my christmas presents I got the Jo Malone cologne in the scent 154, and I can't stop using it, Jo Malone is a brand that I have grown up watching my mum wear so its kind of special for me to have my own fragrance from there.

My best friend, Holly, as one of my presents got me the Harry Potter colouring book and I've forgotten how much I miss colouring its so much fun and its also a great creative outlet when you want to do something productive.

Star Wars, since the Star Wars film has been released and I haven't seen the films in years, I couldn't really remember them to be honest and I've also been badgered by a certain someone to watch them, so I decided to delve into the Star Wars world and its safe to say that I'm really into it. My favourite one so far has been Episode 6 Return of the Jedi.

And last but not least a fashion favourite, of course it has to be the turtle neck, I genuinely do have a serious obsession with them and I totally agree and relate to Estée Lalonde's quotes "In my heart I think I'm 70% turtle" and "warm neck, warm heart".

Thank you so much for sticking with me this past year, its safe to say that I've had quite the journey and I'm glad I got to share some of that with you. I promise next year everything will be bigger and better, I'm coming up with ideas as I write this. If you even remember my mini fashion series! The extra three posts will be up shortly.

George x
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