Sunday 22 May 2016

Being spontaneous and a mini haul

I would first like to apologise for my absence the last few weeks, the reason I haven't been writing anything is because I am currently in exam season and after revision, I've found it difficult to have the motivation to think of new ideas which is upsetting because I really love my little blog and sharing with you all.

So this is a kind of story time/ mini haul the reason for this is because, yesterday I decided to go up to London after my english exam to be spontaneous and treat myself as its been a long week. I'm writing this because when watching Hannah and Stef's (The Michalaks) vlog last week they encouraged us viewers to do something spontaneous for #lightandfree, so thats what I did.

This is where it gets interesting, so I'm walking along Regent Street and I hear someone calling my name and its only Riyadh! Now if you don't know who he is, where have you been? Riyadh Khalaf if you don't know has his own youtube channel, which I think is amazing by the way and he also happens to be a friend of mine since meeting him at last year's Summer in the City which is so lovely since I really look up to him as a youtuber and as a person. We ended up doing a bit shopping and had a good catch up.

So I urge you to do something spontaneous, no matter how little it is. You'll never know what might happen.

So I just thought I'd share what I got with y'all since I haven't treated myself in a while, I got some new jeans from Levis in Urban Outfitters, in the sale, perfect and I also went into the Skinny Dip store on Carnaby Street and I simply could not leave without this phone case, I've seen people have it and I felt I really needed to jump on the band wagon! Its so cute and I'm all about that avo life!

I hope you are all having a lovely week and I will be back soon, hopefully more consistent, again I'm very sorry.

All the love 

George x
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