Saturday 17 December 2016


Last night, I went to see Dreamgirls at The Savoy Theatre, if you told the seven year old me singing the soundtrack into a hairbrush in his room that this day would come he wouldn't have believed you. This show has such a special place in my heart and the fact I got to see it live starring such an incredible cast has made one of my dreams come true. 

I was in a constant state of awe during the show due to the absolutely phenomenal showcase of talent from the whole cast. Having the chance to see Amber Riley, someone who I have admired since I was eleven years old, was just such an unforgettable experience. Her Effie was just flawless and I'm so happy I got to experience it. I was also showcased to an absolutely incredible set of talented individuals, Liisi LaFontaine was just incredible, her portrayal of Deena was phenomenal, I'm in awe of you, you talented and lovely lady! Ibinabo Jack was also sensational, your Lorrell was insane, you made me laugh and cry, excellent performance! Michelle Morris was also just beautiful and her performance was truly stunning. As you can tell this sort of review is more just how much I adored this show and how great everyone was and that is no exaggeration. Seriously go and see it and experience the magic yourself, you will not regret it. 

Now the boys, man! 'Steppin' to the bad side' was just jaw droopingly good! Joe Aaron Reid's, Curtis was simply outstanding, I'm speechless if I'm quite honest. Although not completely as that wouldn't be me to be completely speechless. Adam J. Bernard's Jimmy Early and Tyrone Huntley's C.C. White were incredible and I don't say that lightly! Truly electric, Tyrone's rendition of 'Family' made me cry, I cannot deny that. And of course three cheers to Nicholas Bailey's Marty!

To all the ensemble and the swing, you were all so sharp and so brilliant, I just want to applaud all of you for just being amazing! Again I cannot comment enough on how brilliant this company is.

So here again is a 5 star review/love fest of a show, I've seen. Theatre is just so brilliant these days you cannot simply do anything but praise. 

Again, well done to everyone in this timeless show! I wanna come back and see you all again soon! 

George x

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