Sunday 5 April 2015

March Favourites 2015

March has seemed to have gone really quickly, I think its because my GCSEs are coming up!

My favourite song of the month is:

Lips Are Movin'- Meghan Trainer 

I have listened to this song at least once a day this whole month and it has just made me smile. Its really upbeat and I listened to it whenever I felt a little down and tired and it just lifted up my spirits.

My favourite TV show

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmit 

This really made me laugh, its one of those really easy shows to watch. Ellie Kemper was hilarious and Tina Fey produced it so I was like I am definitely watching this! I love Tina Fey I just think she is so funny. The characters were all so funny in their own way and the wacky storyline just made it even more fun to watch.

The book I read

I am part of Estée's (essiebutton's) book club #buttonsbookshelf and this month we read Mindy Kaling's Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) and it was so funny this month has truly been filled with comedy. It is written in a really chatty way and it was just a really fun and easy read, Mindy is a genius. To watch Estée's video heres the link,

Favourite Film

I saw the new Cinderella film staring Lily James and Richard Madden. I was very excited about going however growing up the original Disney Cinderella has a very special place in my heart. So I didn't want this film not to be as good in my eyes. Although this film was told in such an amazing way and the acting was just flawless I loved every single bit and I cried a few times because I get every emotional over films, especially Disney. The film all round was just beautiful and the cinematography was amazing and the dress, just ah! 

Favourite Item

This month I ordered Jim's Dream Big Poster and I really love it, its such a nice quote and it makes me smile every time I see it. This month has definitely been filled with things that make me smile. I feel I have smiled a lot this month.

Favourite item of clothing

This month I have been wearing my new bomber jacket quite a lot it made me feel very TheLineUp (esque) and it has started to get a little bit warmer in England (its still cold though) so I have had more chance to wear it because it hasn't been as freezing.

My favourite youtuber of the month

This month I have discovered Clothesencounters, Jenn and I don't know how I haven't found her channel sooner. I love it so much, her style is just so amazing and she is so beautiful and her and her boyfriend are so adorable and his bands music is really good. I hadn't heard of Young Guns before but now they are a favourite.

Favourite moment

This doesn't really count as a favourite but my favourite moment of this month was meeting my bestest friend who I hadn't seen in 7 years and we met in London and went shopping and it was just so lovely.

Favourite app

I have really been into twitter this month I am every month but this month I have really been on it a lot! And I mean quite a lot.

That has been my favourites this month. Look how structured my favourites have been this month!

This month I have also discovered this brand Vybz Life clothing and they do these really cool t-shirts with illustrated designs on them for amazing prices. If you want to check it out the twitter is @VybzLife and the website

Thats it for this week! I would love to find out what you have been loving in March.

George x


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