Saturday 29 July 2017

My most recent reads

I feel like I am really on the reading train at the moment which makes me so happy because it is the first time in a while where I have just been able to read what I want because I have now completely finished secondary school. I am taking advantage of reading for pleasure this summer and I wanted to share some books that I have read that I have loved and maybe will take your fancy.

Guapa by Saleem Haddad, is possibly one of my favourite books I have ever read, the narrative is almost like velvet, incredibly sensuous and smooth. The story is one that is not discussed enough, two men in the Middle East who are in love. Their story is told with such eloquence and attention to detail it makes you feel a part of them which in turn made it such an emotional read because I really feel I connected with the characters. I won't tell you any spoilers, all I can say is go out and read it, you will not regret it.

All we shall know- Donal Ryan, is another beautifully written novel. Before reading it I had a vague idea of what it was about as I was recommended it by Ariel Bissett and Estée Lalonde from their collab. However Ariel was not lying this book is incredible, it is so honest and it really delved into topics that still in society are looked down upon. I am fascinated with Ireland so reading this was incredibly interesting for me to understand the attitudes to the traveller communities. This also explores the idea of fertility in a raw and enthralling way. Its a must read for this year and I recommend you go have a flick.

Wildflower by Drew Barrymore, now Drew has been someone that I have looked up to throughout the different hurdles of my life, from seeing her in ET when I was tiny to watching Never been kissed in my awkward pre teen phase to watching Blended at a time when I was coming to terms with my own family blending with another. To understanding the true importance of friendship when watching Miss you already with my best friend, basically I am in awe with this woman and I owe her a lot. Reading this book genuinely fed my soul, it taught me lessons I never knew I needed but now I know, I most definitely do. It is an honest and beautiful selection of moments throughout Drew's life which are written in such a stylistic yet colloquial way that makes it feel like you are just having a conversation with her. I don't want to bore you and babble on too much but I sincerely recommend you reading this book, whether you follow her work or not.

Spectacles by Sue Perkins, I am currently half way through this however I can still tell you and give you the feel of this brilliant memoir. I picked up this book after it being on my shelf for a while just down to me having to read my curriculum books, after listening to her Desert Island disc, which is fab by the way you should listen to it if you're obsessed with Desert Island Discs like myself, it's a good'un. Anyway the book is incredibly funny and I also find it fascinating how people found there niche and made it into their career. As a lover of Mel and Sue especially on The Great British Bake Off, reading this is giving me great comfort as GBBO as we knew it is no more. On a lighter note, this book has made me laugh out loud a number of times (in public!) and I'm only half way through, so if you want a giggle I highly recommend reading this.

lots of love

George x
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