Sunday 17 January 2016

My Anna Saccone zodiac necklace

I, after getting this beautiful necklace for christmas could just not write about it on my blog. I would firstly love to thank Anna Saccone for taking the time to create and design these absolutely stunning pieces. I wear it everyday and it is so special to me. The idea that your dad was a scorpio and you are a scorpio and my mum who is a taurus and me being a taurus it just felt so lovely getting this from my lovely mummy.

I was so excited when I found out Anna was releasing this range because I have been looking for the perfect taurus necklace for ages and this is most certainly it. It is the perfect size, length and the detail is just beautiful. I seem to be giving this an absolutely glowing review and that is because I truly can't fault it.

Well done lovely they are so incredible and I'm so happy to have this as a keep sake that I will hopefully be able to pass down to future generations of my family.

George x

Sunday 3 January 2016

2016 New Years Resolutions

I thought that I would share my resolutions with you all because I feel that if I blog about them, then they may happen or perhaps give me more motivation to keep up with them and don't make them slack. Also Hannah Witton did it and she is one of my queens and I loved her video so I wanted to do my own.

So here they are...

1) Find a bæ

2) I want to hopefully start a youtube channel, however to do so I will need to save up for a decent camera and some lights because I'm not one for shitty quality videos. I feel they would just immediately look naff and I would despise them, so yeah. I do have some ideas of what I want to do though.

3) To meet Estée Lalonde, some might disagree this to be a resolution however I strongly disagree with you, I believe that it is a very solid resolution since I have wanted to meet this incredible woman for years and I haven't got to meet her yet and it would mean more than you'll ever know to meet her and chat with her. I reckon it would be wonderful.

4) I want to eat less meat, the reason for this is I just don't really enjoy eating it that often and I'm just not feeling it, my attitude might change through the course of the year. I'm not going to cut it out completely I'm just going to lessen the quantity of how much I eat and find alternatives and also explore the world of vegetarian food.

5) Workout more, I know this sounds really cliche and annoying but I actually really do enjoy it when I get there I just need the motivation to get up and go. It would also help much confidence since even me doing more this past year has really helped.

6) This next one might prove to be difficult, it's to be less of a bitch, now I don't mean to be and I'd like to consider myself a nice person but this year I want to be nicer to everyone and not be so sarky towards people.

7) I got the new editions of the Harry Potter books for christmas so I want to read them all again.

8) I want to read everyday, I'm not going to set a particular time but to just read some of the book I'm reading at the time, everyday even if its just for five minutes. I love to read so I need to dedicate to more things that I love.

9) I want to just do, I want to worry less and to not care what other people think if I do something. I want to be the "yeah sure that'll be amazing" kind of guy rather than the "well I'm not sure, maybe" kind of guy.

10) I want to improve this blog and make even more regular content, I want to make it the best I can be and come up with new ideas and just improve in general really.

So that's my resolutions, I'm thinking that at the end of the year I'll look back at these and see if I've completed them. I think that'll be fun.

All my love 
George x

2015 review

I was a bit apprehensive to write this post however reading Victoria's (inthefrow's) post I decided that I wanted to share my year with you and my resolutions. My resolutions will be on a separate post going live later today. I'm going to warn you this won't be short, I just really want some good reflection time yanno.

So let's start with my 2015 review, well this year you could say was a year of firsts:
1) I took public examinations for the first time (GCSEs)
2) I become a sixth former and no longer wear school uniform
3) I have been able to express myself at school through my clothing (still with the confines of a suit and tie)
4) I went to my first ever Summer in the City and I will be attending this year's one also
5) I really came to terms with who I was this year, I went on a real personal journey
6) I went to my first Pride, which was absolutely incredible and I just had the best time
7) I went on my first proper date
8) I went on holiday with my friends
9) I had my first prom
10) I became a Star Wars fanatic

So those are the firsts that I came up with but I'm also going to share some of my best moments of 2015,

I really met some truly incredible people this year and I mean truly incredible: Riyadh Khalaf, Calum McSwiggan, Lucy and Lydia Connell, Connor Franta, Tyler Oakley, Kevin McHale and Tanya Burr to name a few. Thank you all so much for taking the time to talk to little old me, I really appreciated it. I will leave their links below.

I saw a lot of theatre this year, which is one of my absolute passions, from musicals to plays and they were magnificent:
Miss Saigon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
The Woman in Black
The Ballad of the Burning Star
Measure for Measure

I also went to Tyler Oakley's Slumber Party which was absolutely incredible we had such an amazing night and it was quite amusing getting the tube in our onesies!

I performed in my school play 'A Government Inspector' and had a wonderful time with a wonderful cast.

I met my bestest friend Hannah after 7 years of not seeing each other, lets just say it was emotional.

I also met Caitlin and Alana two of my internet friends at SITC and that was so lovely.

I read some incredible books this year:
1) I'll give you the sun- Jandy Nelson
2) Wild- Cheryl Strayed (given to me by one of my favourite people Estée Lalonde, when I won the giveaway)
3) Two Boys Kissing- David Levithan
4) Love Tanya- Tanya Burr
5) A Work In Progress- Connor Franta
6) We were liars- e. lockhart
7) Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austen

I made some beautiful friends, on the inside and out and I've formed even closer a bond with my oldest companions! That makes them sound like dogs, you know what I mean. I would really like to thank my bæ Holly Jade Willis for particularly sticking with me this year, you brave girly. I love you with so much of my heart.

My style has changed and I have begun to really explore clothing more and I feel my relationship with clothing and fashion has become even more close and personal. I have my style icons of course but this year I have really tried to be like "Is this me?" before buying an item of clothing. A lot of patterned trousers have come into my life, that's all I can say.

My hair has also changed at the start of the year I had a quiff and occasionally I still do style my hair this way but it has changed into me having a fringe, which I have really embraced and thank god it doesn't look like my fringes in my previous years! I'm not sure what my hair journey will be this year 2016 but let's wait and see. I find it an adventure, does that make me sad?

Anyway enough of my rambling, I just really wanted to have a proper reflection on my year and share it with y'all. If you want to share your favourite moments of your year, feel free to express it in the comments. I wish you all an absolutely incredible 2016...

Lots of love
George x

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