Sunday 27 March 2016

Bloggers Lush Event in Tunbridge Wells

Being a blogger event virgin, I was slightly apprehensive as to what the night would uphold however I was pleasantly surprised! The event was so lovely. I went with my best friend Holly, obviously, and her brother and boyfriend and we all had a great time.

Having walked there in the rain and looking slightly like drowned rats we were welcomed warmly and we went to the second floor of the shop. There was food, drink and demonstrations. Also the opportunity to make your own bubble bars and bath bombs, which I obviously jumped at the chance and it ended up being very therapeutic. 

We watched Reece, one of the staff, make the cupcake face mask, which I am currently wearing whilst writing this post. A highlight of the evening was that we bumped into Rhiannon Ashlee and we had really cute chat about everything from lush to the Michalaks.

We also received a generous bag of goodies, in which there will be a separate blogpost on because I figured that they needed their own post because it was so generous of lush to endow us with such treats! Here's some pictures from the night taken by my beautiful best friend...

This is my ootn: Jumper- Urban Outfitters
                           Trousers- Whistles
                           Chelsea boots- Russell and Bromley 

Thank you so much Lush for a lovely evening and let me just say that those sultana and raisin cookies were absolutely divine! 

George x

photos: @hollyjadewillis / @inlovewiththiscity


Sunday 20 March 2016

Gunpowder Time Whiskey Wine - My Best Friends Media

My best friend Holly is currently studying Media A level and for her coursework she asked myself and another one of my friends, Millie to be in her movie trailer. It was so much fun to film and I wanted to share it with you all because my bae has talent. Here is some pictures from the shoot and I'll put the link to the draft of the trailer below...

These pictures are me trying to model for the magazine and film posters, lets just say my facial expressions were very versatile that day!

The link to the draft is here-

I'm so sorry that I've been away for what feels like ages, be ready for regular posts again! 

George x


Tuesday 15 March 2016


I just wanted to give you guys a little update since I haven't posted in what feels like forever, there has just been a lot of shit happening recently and school has been super full on with drama practicals but there is some exciting things coming up. I've had some time to really come up with some new ideas and there will hopefully be a new post up either this or next weekend.

 Lots of Love

George x
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