Saturday 16 July 2016

What's in my carry on

When you are reading this I will be flying to Toronto tomorrow, I'm so excited. I have never been to Canada before and I'm also going to see family too which is going to be so lovely. I'm hoping that there will be lots of opportunities to take photos and share my trip with you and I hope that in years to come I can come back to this and see what 17 year old me thought of it all.

I see loads of people do this type of post/video and because I love reading/watching them so much I thought I'd do my very own, what's in my carry on. So I'm going to show you what I pack for my flights and little tips for the plane that I have picked up from others because lets face it, things on the aeroplane are very important!

So lets start somewhere, I always take some reading for the plane because you have time to kill and sometimes I prefer to read as a break and its very relaxing which is a good thing whilst you're on a plane. I am currently reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton for my a levels and I also take a book for pleasure. I'm taking The Night That Changed Everything by Laura Tait and Jimmy Rice, i was in Waterstones the other day looking for my holiday read and I came across it. It's not with me at the moment so you'll just have to imagine it but the cover is really pretty and it sounds right up my street!

Next is an obvious for me, headphones, now I like to take a selection in case I get bored because sometimes when you are on the plane for ages everything is so repetitive. So I have my apple ones but also my over head ones which for some weird reason I hate wearing in public. Don't ask me why. Of course my phone as well, physically could not go on a flight without it, we are all the same aren't we?

Another absolute necessity is a portable charger, I got mine of amazon by the brand Anker and I find it really works well and its not enormous so its really easy to take around with me on the go. I also have my card holder which you will never see me without, it is just so easy and it even can hold some change which is such a bonus!

I'm also taking a moisturiser for when getting of the plane because my skin often gets dry on and I am not into that so I just find that bringing a little moisturiser can really be a saving grace, lip balm is also a must so I have my aloe vera vaseline with me too.

Now throw in some snacks, some water and a few home comforts like a favourite jumper and I'm good to go.

So that is what is normally in my carry on, its sometimes changes but that is what you could say are my staples for my carry on.

George x


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