Sunday 10 July 2016

funny girl: Review

On the 6th of July, I went to see Funny Girl at the Savoy Theatre on the West End and now that I have seen this I feel that I have to talk to you guys about it and give a little review. Believe me, I'm not a professional but I just wanted to share my experience and praise such a wonderful company.

Before going to see Funny Girl, I had a basic understanding of the story line and I had known a few of the songs from the show however this did not prepare me enough for what I was about to see. It was truly exquisite, after the first act I knew that this would be in my top five musicals that I have ever seen. The story is so beautiful and so honest and I definitely feel that I really connected with the whole show.

Now lets get on the the actors, my oh my, the array of talent throughout the company was truly phenomenal, it most certainly was not just the leads who stood out but the swing and the ensemble were just outstanding.

Natasha Barnes, where do I even begin? She was absolutely breathtaking, I simply cannot put into words how incredible she is, the minute she was on the stage I was hooked by her funny, charismatic and tear-jerking portrayal of Fanny Brice. She made me laugh, made me cry and made me cry from laughing. A true star. A standing ovation was completely in order, even just as a small token of us as an audience's appreciation.

Matthew Goodgame played the role of Nick Arnstein and I was completely captured by his performance from the minute he came on stage. I felt his portrayal as Nick was just flawless and the chemistry between Fanny and Nick was so prevalent throughout the performance.

It is safe to say that I thoroughly loved the performance and I would go again and again. That feeling that I felt when Natasha sang Don't rain on my parade was something that I would go back in time to experience again. Pure talent throughout the whole production.

I would also like to give a mention to Philip Bertoli and Luke Fetherston who were really outstanding and I really admired your performances.

5 star perfromance!

So if you get the chance to go and see this wonderful show please do, you will not regret it. I can assure you.

George x

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