Sunday 18 October 2015

Let's Talk: Fashion

I don't know if my my views on fashion have been truly expressed. So I figured I'd dedicate a post on everything I can think of and express about my thoughts and passions for the world of fashion.

Firstly, how I got interested in fashion, well ever since I can remember my Mum being an avid lover of all things fashion and beauty and I think that's where my flair really came from. The fact that I spent a lot of my time around clothes as a child, I remember going to my Mum's favourite shop at the time Jigsaw and just being infatuated by the clothes and the jewellery. Other shops were frequently as important but Jigsaw really has stuck with me. Although, I must admit it isn't what it used to be, in the least shady way possible. It still has a dear place in my heart. So that's where it all started, so basically fashion is in my blood.

Now onto people in the industry, who I really and truly look up to. The three main people in the industry are Alexa Chung, Anna Wintour and Iris Apfel because they all have qualities that I wish to have. For example Anna's drive and absolute passion for the business and is totally dedicated to making American Vogue as brilliant as it can be. Alexa for her ability to evolve and develop throughout her time in the industry from being a model to going into TV to a writer. Last but most definitely not least Iris, who just has such a beautiful approach to fashion, she's just so open and is absolutely timeless and her being 94 and still being such a major contributor is just extraordinary.

If you are interested in fashion and want to watch some films/documentaries/videos here's some I seriously recommend:

The September Issue- Netflix

Iris- Netflix

The Future of Fashion, Alexa Chung and British Vogue- British Vogue's YouTube Channel

My style icons 

I take my inspiration from everywhere to be honest but there are certain individuals that I really admire and get my inspiration from and these people are:

Alexa Chung,
Jim Chapman,
Estée Lalonde,
Ingrid Nilsen.

Some people question me and say, "How can your style icons be girls if you don't wear women's clothes?" My answer to that is, firstly I don't think clothes shouldn't be gendered and that people should be able to wear what makes them happy and secondly that it might not always be exactly what they are wearing, it's how a person wears the garment.

My opinion on fashion is that it is severely underrated and it isn't appreciated near enough as it is. It would be an understatement to say that fashion has changed my life and shaped me to be the person I am today. It's a platform where you can express yourself fully and choose however way you want to express yourself. It can make you stand out of a crowd and let you be yourself. It's a true art form that is so important to your soul. Me personally, it makes me feel joy if I'm wearing something that I have put together and created. See look how happy this bag, I took a picture with made me feel!

Here was a little insight on my thoughts on fashion, I hope you enjoyed it and didn't get bored half way through. Fashion is a real passion of mine that is ingrained in my soul so I'm really happy that I got to share this with you.

George x


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