Tuesday 6 October 2015

September Favourites

September is my favourite month of the year and although this month has had its ups and its downs, I've had a great month and have discovered and rediscovered some favourites that I'd like to share with you.

Firstly, I went to see Wicked with my school on the 22nd of September and I had such a lovely time watching one of my favourite musicals with some of my closest and bestest friends. It was my second time seeing it however it was about eight years ago since I last saw it so it was amazing to see it and feel the magic again. The cast were impeccable and I later found out that it was their first night all together as a new cast and I just thought they were sensational and the lyrics haven't stopped flowing from my lips since. During 'For Good' my best friend Holly and I cried and held hands the whole way through it was such a beautiful moment to share with her.

Then there's my new turtle neck that I got in Topman, the minute I saw it I fell in love, its navy and has a slight burgundy strip along the top of the neck, end of the sleeves and around the bottom of the jumper. In my eyes its truly lush and I'm so happy with it. If you didn't know I have a slight obsession with turtle necks.

Next is Matcha tea, and hear me out you might have heard that people have had matcha lattes and thought they were horrible but the tea is delicious, the only way I can describe it is as green tea but with more flavour. Its is a type of green tea and it bursting full of antioxidants and it supposed to be really good for you. So I've been loving that this past month.

Onto books, this month I have been reading I'll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson and even though I haven't finished it yet I am head over heels in love with it, I love the storyline, the characters, the concept, they layout. Ugh, its just wonderful!

My food favourite has been porridge, since its been getting colder in the mornings, I've gotten back into the mood of having porridge for breakfast, my favourite way to have it is with berries and honey with the occasional disked banana.

I have had a favourite moisturiser of the month and that has been Lush's New Charity Pot, hand and body lotion, which I have been using on my hands, feet, elbows and knees and it keeps them nourished all day and its really silky and I've just really got on well with it.

I have had a stationary favourite this month and that has been Paper mate pens, I have one in every colour and I just love to write with them they are so smooth and they make my handwriting look nice, so they are a definite winner in my eyes.

My youtube favourite of this month has been, The Michalaks, I know I go on about them all the time but I just can't get enough of their vlogs. Their vlogs this month have been particularly brilliant this month much to Stef's dismay but some of my favourite ever vlogs have been in this month.

So that's my September favourites, I hope you've enjoyed learning what I've been loving this past month and I hope to see you all soon. I also have been working on a little project which I will let you know about in due course, I'm planning to have it up on my blog this month so keep an eye out on further details.

George x


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