Sunday 4 September 2016

August Favourites

Wow! August has gone so quickly, it's crazy! I got back to school tomorrow, my last ever year at school and let's just say I've got mixed emotions. I just know it's going to go so quick and in a way I'm ready and in a way I'm not. Anyway enough rambling about school. Let's get into my favourites...

So firstly is a fashion favourite, I have been absolutely loving my shirt that I got from All Saints whilst I was in Canada, in the sale! Can I say bargain? Bargain. Also the fact Dave Franco has the same shirt is pretty cool, I wore it to my first day to Sitc and when I went on a film set last week and out for dinners. Basically I have worn it a lot and I'm obsessed.

Another fashion favourite of course is sunglasses, now if you don't know about my sunglasses obsession you must be new. So hi, welcome. I am in love with sunglasses. All I want is more and more sunglasses. It is quite unhealthy. So yeah, sunglasses have been on my face constantly this summer and I am going to miss them when autumn starts, although I can probably get away with them for a bit longer can't I?

Now a smell, now Jo Malone is a huge love in my life and 154 and Wood Sage and Sea Salt are two of my absolute favourites, but when in Rome, well Toronto, I got Tom Ford Black Orchid and oh my I adore it. It smells so nice and I get so many compliments which is always good for the soul. On other news the new Basil and Neroli scent from Jo Malone smells absolutely divine so I think that will be in my possession very soon!

Now skincare, a firm favourite of mine. I just love it. Recently I have been trying the First aid beauty range, now I have heard great things but I never levitated to it, but boy oh boy I wish I did sooner. It is so good! My favourite is the Pure skin Face Cleanser, it is just so soft on the skin and you really don't need more than a pea size, so it lasts longer! My skin has just really taken to it and I am very grateful. Thank you FAB.

Now Brighton Pride on the 6th of August was the just the best! I had such an amazing time with my friends and met so many incredible new people which I am so grateful for, they are just the best. Pride's are just the most wonderful time of the year and to be surrounded by all the love, the gays and the rainbows is just so good to the soul. So obviously Pride is a favourite. I wish they were every month!

Now, if you are new here you might also not know that I am completely and utterly obsessed with theatre and musical theatre, I saw The Bodyguard starring Beverley Knight and I am speechless. We went really spontaneously and I can honestly say it was one of the best shows I have ever seen. I cried at every song and Beverley's voice live, is just liquid gold. I am hoping and praying for a cast recording! If you haven't seen it, GO! You won't regret it. I'm planning on going again soon, I just can't get enough.

Summer in the city! You have just had a whole post about this so I will move on to save you!

A youtube favourite, Megan Ellaby, now I have been watching Megan's videos for a few months now and I just love them, her videos are some of my favourites out there. She is so funny and she just knows what to wear and style. I have been getting so much inspiration from her, her vlogs with George just make me laugh and I do love a travel vlog so her channel is just for me. Fashion and travel, golden!

Now lastly, TV, Gilmore Girls, man that is my shit! I just love it, it makes me feel all nostalgic and if you want a laugh watch it. I love shows like this and here's to 153 beautiful episodes! So much love for this show as I share my love with Caitlin ( @demioddle ), she's the Rory to Lorelai. Watch it and then you'll understand.

So that's my favourites for this month, the summer has gone so quick. I can't handle it. Wishing you all a great start to September. It is when Fashion begins again, so I'm feeling good. Going to buy my September issues shortly.

Chat later my loves,

George x

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