Saturday 3 September 2016

Summer in the City 2016

Just a disclaimer, so you are warned in advance, there is a lot which means there is a whole lotta love, cuteness and joy.

I was writing about Summer in the City in my favourites post and then I realised that it was taking up so much space, so I figured why not dedicate a post like I did last year?! I had the best weekend at SITC, I met so many amazing people who I genuinely can't live without now. I met up with Caitlin and Alana again which was so so lovely, I met Nella there who is genuinely one of the loveliest people I have ever met. I will leave her channel down below so go show it some love. She is just amazing and I'm so glad I got to meet her. I also met Freya of whom I have followed on twitter for some time and Leah, we instantly hit it off and I hadn't laughed like I did with them for a long time! We just clicked. I am so grateful to Youtube and this incredible community because through it I get to meet some truly amazing people! I love you all so much and I miss you more and more everyday!

I met Rose and Rosie which was big for me because I have watched them for such a long time and they have got me through so much and they were the loveliest people ever! Obviously! In May we'll go clubbing promise Rosie! I got to meet Trent and Luke for the first time which was so amazing, they are incredible huggers. I got to see Riyadh, Melanie, Calum, Roly and Jamie again and meet Jack and Ben from ( Our Swirl Life ), love them!

I saw some incredible panels, the LGBTQ+ panel, the Mental health panel, the Coming Out on YouTube panel, Women on YouTube and the Oversharing on YouTube panel. I got to meet Dodie, Hannah Witton, Lucy Moon, Grace and Amelia Mandeville, Alex and Jake and so many more! It was so great to meet so many people who I look up to in this community. Such an incredible weekend. Roll on next year! It can't come soon enough!

Now the pictures, my favourite part...

Summer in the City has such a special place in my heart thank you to everyone for making it the best one yet! Here's to next year.

all my love, hugs and kisses

George x

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