Monday 6 March 2017

My New York City Outfits

It's been over a month since I've posted on here and I feel awful about it. Last month was just so full on, I couldn't find the inspiration to write but I feel like I'm back now and I'm all rejuvenated. 

I wanted to write a little bit about my time in New York City, if you haven't already I'd love it if you checked out my first vlog on YouTube documenting my trip. 

I felt quite anxious on the way to New York as it is somewhere that I have idolised since I was very young and I was wary that I built it up to much maybe? However that was most certainly not the case, I completely fell in love and it was even more of a romantic affair than I imagined. It didn't feel alien at all, it felt right, I felt at home which I was so overjoyed about. I just want to go back now, it's almost like a drug, you have withdrawals when you leave. I desperately tried not to act like a tourist but that was incredibly unsuccessful. As you will be able to see in the video, I was very excitable. 

I'm currently writing this in Pret, the mothership, obviously. Whilst people watching outside the window, daydreaming and trying to recreated those NYC moments in my mind. What I can remember most about my trip was deciding what I was going to wear, New York has always been such a symbol of fashion to me. Television shows I grew up with such as Sex and the City and Ugly Betty have such a fashion orientated vibe I felt that I had to impress those characters which have always stuck with me.   I really wanted to branch out of my comfort zone and put together outfits that I hadn't have worn before. So here are some of my favourites.

There is just something about an outfit which makes memories for me, I now associate these pieces with my trip and it makes me smile. So I wanted to write a post so in years to come when I'm all old and grey I can look back and see what I was wearing back in 2017. 

I hope you're having a lovely week.

Lots of love 

George x


1 comment

  1. Oh my gosh, these outfits are too cute! Need, need, need!


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