Sunday 26 April 2015

Connor Franta's That Type of Person Tag!

I thought this would be a good idea for you guys to find out more about me so here it goes...

Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?

Do you drink your cereal milk?
Hell Yes!

CDs, Radio or Phone?
Phone mostly sometimes CDs depends on the journey.

Window or aisle?
Depends on my mood, I like the window seat but with the aisle its easy to move your legs.

Fold or crumple?

Shampoo then body wash or body wash then shampoo?
Shampoo then body wash obviously!

Stressed or relaxed?
I'm mainly stressed but I think thats to do with my age and school.

Patient or impatient?

Schedule or go with flow?

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A vet or a dancer

Prankster or not?

Dressed Up or Dressed Down?

Sleep with your doors open or closed?

Sheets tucked in or out?

Have you ever stolen anything?
A piece of fudge when I was little.

Tattoos or piercing?
It really all depends whether they are nice or not.

Smile in every photo?

Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yeah and pooped but that was desperate times.

Concert or Theme Park?

Music or books?
How can you make me choose?

Animated or Reality?
Reality, the KARDASHIANS!

Letter or email?

First Concert?
X Factor tour 

Do you own a record player?
Why yes

Do you speak any different languages?
A little EspaƱol and a tiny bit of French.

Sweet or Savoury?
Both because Guac and cupcakes!

Can you curl your tongue?

Can you touch your tongue with your nose?

Can you whistle?

Have you ever won a spelling bee?
Never because they don't do them in England really.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in Aliens?

So thats 35 answers about me I hope that enlightened you a little in the mythical and magical world which is my brain.

The link to Connor's video if you haven't seen it already...

George x

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