Monday 27 April 2015

Surprise Catch Up post!


On Saturday I went to Bluewater (a shopping mall in England) with my auntie and my cousin to get my birthday present. My 16th is on the 2nd and I'm so excited, just thought I'd slip that in. So we went to Urban Outfitters, Topman, H&M and for the first time I went to Uni Qlo. Which really reminded me of foetus Jim Chapman! In Urban Outfitters I got a white t-shirt with a black collar and black rimmed sleeves, which I really liked. It's simple but its just that bit different. In Topman I tried some pieces on however they weren't birthday present material and there was this jacket that I saw on the model that is so beautiful, its a navy biker jacket. However after constant searching from a really helpful Topman employee, nothing. Which I was very bummed out about. H&M didn't have anything that really stood out either however I did see some classic staples I might pick up at some point. In Uni Qlo I got a denim shirt because I only have a cheap one so I thought, I'll get a nice one and its so nicely fitted and its a great shade of denim.

Recently I have also been listening to a playlist I made on iTube, its got Gabby and Hobbie's - Love Me Like You Do cover, (if you haven't heard it yet, its AMAZING), Sugar- Maroon 5, Lie a little better- Lucy Hale, You sound good to me- Lucy Hale and Walkashame- Meghan Trainor. Its been on loop all week and all the songs are really light hearted and just make me smile which I need at the moment since my GCSEs are soon.

I'm currently reading Paper Towns by John Green since the film is coming out soon and I'm so excited I love Cara and Nat Wolff, I have a feeling its gonna be good.

I also got my Leavers Hoodie this week and it is so comfortable and the minute I have got home everyday this week it has been put on. Its oversized and so cosy, I love being comfortable.

My main activity recently has been revising so I thought as a little break I would write a blogpost and upload it today!

George x


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