Sunday 28 June 2015

A Little Catch Up

It's been a while, I'm sorry I've been away for 2 weeks I finished my GCSEs on the 17th and then went to Barcelona till friday so I didn't want to just put something rubbish on.

I'm planning on doing 2 posts a week throughout the summer on a tuesday and a sunday, don't take that as scripture but I'm going to try. I'm hoping to do more fashion related posts full of my growing sunglasses collection. I'm addicted its getting quite serious.

This picture is of me having an amazing time in Barcelona and trying to ruin my friends picture of the cool door, I think it turned out well.

My outfit is:

Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters
Top: Urban Outfitters
Bag: Dockers (borrowed from my dad)
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: Nike Roshe Runs

Anyways, I'm back and I'm looking forward to post more frequently since schools out.

George x


  1. Would love to hear about your time in Barcelona!
    It's somewhere I would love to visit :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

    1. Rachel, you're in luck that will be sunday's post! You should so try and go its amazing! There is nothing better in my eyes than a city with a beach! George x


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