Sunday 5 July 2015


As an end of GCSEs getaway, my friends and I went to stay with our friend, Savina who lives out in Barcelona. And lets just say we had an amazing time!

We did a range of different things from doing the typical tourist adventures to acting like locals at Sant Joan, which we told to be a festival that people celebrate at the end of the school year and they have fireworks all night and theres lots of music. They also have this cake they have for special occasions in Spain and we had some, my mouth was like a firework! It was amazing and I ended up eating quite a few pieces again, no shame.  It was really fun however it was really, and I mean really loud, Spanish fireworks are like English fireworks on steroids and they are also right in front of you! That night we saw a shooting star and I know it sounds corny but it was really magical since I hadnt seen a proper one before! I made my wish of course and it was probably one of the highlights of the trip. I think the reason for it was because of the atmosphere and we were all together on the beach under the stars and it was just (typical english person saying) lovely.

We went to the beach a lot to get nice and bronzed and Barcelona beach is such a great beach because it is around loads of great places to eat and also amazing ice cream parlours, we had a lot of ice cream during our time there and I don't regret a single scoop! The sea was amazingly cold and it was a lot clearer than I imagined because of it being by a city. The weather while we were out there was great overall, there was one day that was a little overcast but it was still lovely and warm and it was also the perfect temperature to go shopping and explore the city. Before going to Barcelona I would always say to Savina that the only shops in Spain were Mango and Zara but I was proved wrong. The array of shops was so good, however nothing really jumped out at me. Most of my money was spent on food, I have no shame. The food out there was just amazing, the flavours, the smell, just ah!

On another topic of food, the market Las Ramblas, oh my, it was magical, there was so much colour and it was just the home of any foodie! It was a mixture of fruit, fish (that definitely wasn't my favourite! The smell) and sweet treats mainly however there was other little independent tapas bars which looked great too! I couldn't resist not getting anything so I bought a strawberry and banana smoothie, I know to some people this mind seem "boring" however my view is if the place is good the simplest thing will be the best, for example in Italy I would get a margherita, so thats why! It was sensational and so delicious, it was perfect for a hot day. Let's just say I will be going back.

We couldn't go to Spain without being a little touristy so we went to La Sagrada Familia, which if you do ever go to Barcelona you need to go! It was amazing and definitely one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen, it actually made feel quite emotional. Surprise there! Although I'm not the most religious of people I really enjoyed experiencing the beauty of the cathedral.

We also went to some great restaurants in the evening and also cooked a couple of nights for ourselves with what Veritas (a spanish supermarket we went in frequently) had to offer, shoutout to Raquel, I bet you miss us.

Overall that is my little summary of Barcelona and little snippet of what I encountered, if you ever go or you have been tell me about it. I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.

George x

p.s these pictures are a mixture of mine and my friends, got to get the photo creds in there somehow!

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