Sunday 30 August 2015

My Kanken

I have been wanting one of these for quite a while and finally I purchased a Kanken, I went for the classic black so it would go with anything, because let's face it, it's not coming off of my back. Its going to be my school bag too so it won't really be off my person, so that's why I didn't mind paying a little more for it. They are such good quality and it seems to be like a Mary Poppins bag because I keep managing to get everything I want in it and more. Which is what you especially need in a school bag! Fun fact when this picture was taken I was on a Street Art tour, I really recommend going, it was really interesting and I learnt a lot about the world of Street Art and Graffiti. If you were wondering it was organised by Alternative London Tours. I also met Kevin Mchale whilst on this tour, I walked past him so that was definitely a memorable day.

I'm obsessed and I'm so tempted to just buy them all!

George x

Sunday 23 August 2015


What a day! It was probably one of the best days of my life, I met Alana and Caitlin finally, they were both so lovely and we all got on so well. I got to meet so many amazing people and the whole day was just brilliant and I'm so grateful to everyone who had a part to play in Summer in the City because I just had the best time!

So where do I begin? Well, lets start when I met Riyadh (youtube- RiyadhK), I sadly didn't get meet and great tickets to meet him however, we were tweeting before and he said he'd meet me after his meet and greet was finished, so I was like, great! What I loved about SITC was that youtubers were just walking around and I just saw him and I went over and he goes, "George!" I'm like he knows my name! I hug Calum (because I met him shortly before) and then Riyadh, I then presented the scrapbook I made for him and I was speechless about how much he loved it! He showed all his friends that were around us that were all AMAZING by the way. I was just beyond words, he then is like I have to vlog this, in my head I'm like I'm going to be in the video, first thought, fix my hair! Afterwards we got into a really cute chat about life and it was just so nice to really spend quality time with someone you have watched on youtube for so long.

I went to only one panel that day and that was LGBTQ+ one and I had such good time, it was really fun yet we still talked about important issues in our community and the youtubers on the panel were just legendary, Riyadh Khalaf, Laci Green, Calum Mcswiggan, Alex Bertie, Savannah Brown and Joseph Harwood were all amazing and Riyadh told me before that this was his first panel but I thought he was a natural. I was fortunate enough for my question to be answered and that really was a great feeling.

Then I met the absolutely lovely Lucy and Lydia at their 4pm meet and greet and I can honestly say that they were just so genuinely lovely and they both gave me a huge squeeze and it was like I had known them for years. Lucy and I had a great chat about how Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande isn't acknowledged enough and we all established that we are so similar!! They were really just the definition of lovely and I only wished I had more time to speak to them, but you know how meet and greets work.

My day was pretty amazing and I would like to thank everyone who had a part to play in this year's Summer in the City and I can't wait for next year!

George x

Sunday 16 August 2015

10 Facts About Me

Here goes...

1. I have a slight, very slight bit of hoarder in me, I don't know why but I am a magazine hoarder and I can't seem to part with my magazines and I pretty much have every magazine I have ever bought in my wardrobe. They either have articles about my favourite youtubers or celebrities so its kind of stemmed from that.

2. I am obsessed with musicals, I have been mesmerised by them since I was a young child and my dad used to take me to see the shows up in the West End. My firm favourites are Miss Saigon, (which you are probably sick of me talking about), Billy Elliot, Hairspray and Wicked, oh and don't forget Les Mis! One of my dreams is to be on the West End and be in a show and it has been that way since I was about four.

3. I have such an eclectic taste in music its unreal really, many of my friends laugh when they say listen to music with me because my playlists are always so different. For example it will be say Disney or a musical song then it will be the 1975 to Ingrid Michaelson to proper RnB then maybe throw a bit of Sam Smith, TheLineUp (Maya and Julia) recommendations and some really oldies like motown music and a bit of S Club. That is a very accurate presentation of a George playlist!

4. I love Romantic Comedies and Romanitc films so much, I always have and always will and yes I do ball my eyes out in the majority of them. Notting Hill is a firm fave and also films like The Notebook, One Day you name it, I've probably seen it and loved it!

5. This links a little to the last one and that is that I am a certified cryer, I cry quite often and in pretty much every film, its sometimes a little embarrassing but I embrace it because its part of who I am. I just get so into films and I really get into the characters shoes and also I'm a hopeless romantic and am very in touch with my emotions, crying in the cinema is definitely not alien to me. Also I do have certain times when I will cry by the click of a finger:
1. If my mum cries
2. The ending of The Parent Trap
3. Miss Saigon
4. Airport reunions (this has happened often at the airport)
5. Disney
6. Piano music (especially if my mum plays)

6. I am Disney obsessed and have been ever since I can remember and I really want to audition and work in DisneyWorld for a gap year or something! So I could go there everyday! I just am in love with all things Disney.

7. My favourite film is The Parent Trap and it has been for forever and I mean that, the Lindsay Lohan one obviously! It just never fails to make me smile and cry! I practically know all the words so you have to really love me or be brave to watch it with me. I know I'm weird... okay.

8. I have four pillows on my bed and they have to be in an exact order and if they aren't I can't function at all.

9. As you probably already know I love fashion and I have always been in love with clothes and putting things together, I practically grew up in shops like Jigsaw (its a women's clothes shop in England, fun fact The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, yes I still call her that, used to work there). Anyway yes, fashion is one of my passions, I'm like Jade from Bratz!

10. When I'm older I'd like to either work in fashion e.g. in a fashion magazine such as Vogue, GQ or Elle or perform and be an actor and be on the West End or hopefully have a successful blog and potential youtube channel. Those are my three passions performing, fashion and blogging in an ideal world I'd be able to do them all. Maybe one day I will be able too, who knows?

Thank you so much for sticking with me through these 10 facts, hopefully I haven't completely scared   you and that you still feel like you want to be on this journey with me.

George x

Sunday 2 August 2015

Review: Miss Saigon

I am an absolute musical lover, I just can't get enough of them and last night I went to see Miss Saigon, we were up in London and we just fancied seeing a show so we ended up getting last minute tickets for the 7:30pm show. I had wanted to see it for quite a while and I had really high expectations because I was told how amazing it was and I wasn't disappointed. It was incredible, spectacular, amazing, sensational plus many more adjectives with the same theme! I am quite a tough critic and to me this was one of the best musicals I have ever seen.

The cast was incredible too, Eva Noblezada was truly breathtaking as Kim, her vocals and her performance were down to a t, perfect, in my eyes, the power in her voice was just beautiful and really pulled on my heart strings. The fact that this show is her West End debut gives me great excitement to see what she will do in the future.

Next, Richard Carson as Chris was sensational, his vocals were truly incredible and I couldn't have asked for a better portrayal of Chris, he played the role perfectly. His connection with Eva was so beautiful and it did bring a tear to my eye. His duet with her, Sun And Moon was so magical and I will always remember that. Also This Money's Yours, oh there was so many great moments!

There really isn't anything bad I can say about this show, it really just put me in absolute awe. The other characters like Ellen and Thuy were also incredible they were played by Carolyn Maitland and Sangwoong Jo, both outstanding and Carolyn's rendition of Maybe was incredible and brought me to tears. Sangwoong as Thuy really was brilliant, he really played the role perfectly and even though you weren't really supposed to like him because of his character, I really admired his performance.

Wow, the Engineer, played by Christian Rey Marbella, now he brought the comedy to the musical and he really did it well, he's a really talented man and he executed his role wonderfully and he did make me laugh in the midst of my tear shed.

Natalie Mendoza as Gigi also really stood out for me, her vocals were so beautiful and so powerful and I felt so sorry for her character and she will really stick with me and pulled many of my heart strings. The Movie In My Mind rendition was just beautiful.

Overall I thought the show was just breathtaking and I would go again to see it in a heartbeat and I'm planning to again around christmas. I haven't yet listened to anything else but the soundtrack yet, it was just incredible thats all I can say, incredible. I just want to say a huge well done to the whole cast you were all just brilliant and don't forget Tam, who was just absolutely adorable!  This is my new favourite musical! I seriously recommend going to see it, you won't regret it.

George x
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