Saturday 30 May 2015

Meeting Connor Franta / London Day OOTD

Photo credits to one of my best friends and fellow blogger-

Sunglasses- Urban Outfitters
Jacket- Levis
T-shirt- Urban Outfitters
Jeans- Topman
Shoes- Converse

On the 25th of May, Holly and I ventured to London with out eyes and hearts set on meeting Connor at his London Book Signing. Well obviously we were going to since we had tickets, but anyway! We got in the queue at about 10:45 which we thought would be quite late but we actually had a good place in the queue. The excitement was bubbling all around and there was laughter and squeals everywhere you turned. It was magical. During our time in the queue we met some lovely people called Rory and Brittany, we ended up having so much fun in the queue with them and ended up wondering around London after. That is one thing I absolutely love about youtube is that you can make new friends from it and the community is just so lovely.

After a long time in the queue, it was my turn to get my book signed and get a cuddle. The only way I can properly describe Connor is that he's a sweetie. He was just so lovely and down to earth and an absolutely amazing hugger. It was truly a lovely experience the only thing I would change was the time limit but that is what everyone would say. I had a great no amazing no incredible time.

If you met Connor what was your experience like? I would love to know! 

George x


Sunday 24 May 2015

My Favourite Smoothie at the moment!


My favourite smoothie at the moment is one of Maddie Shaw's recipes. It's called the Green Avacado and Mango smoothie. It's really delicious and also really healthy. 

The Ingredients are:

200ml of almond milk
1/2 mango
1/4 cucumber 
1/2 avocado
1 handful of spinach
The juice of 1 lime

It's quick and easy and super nutritious, I highly recommend trying this. Go Green!

                                                               George x

Sunday 17 May 2015

Tyler Oakley Tour '15 #SpookySlumberParty

    Photo creds to

On Friday I went to Tyler Oakley's Slumber Party in London and it was absolutely AMAZING! I had such a fun night and I laughed so much, I also cried a little but that was because I was in the same room as my Queen so I was a little overwhelmed. One of the highlights of the night was when Korey noticed Holly and I and copied our pose! It was so funny and I could not believe that he was there too I am a full fledged Pyscho baby so it was a big deal!

What was also quite funny was that when I arrived at the venue, I was walking with Holly, Priya and Priya and I was just casually walking when Holly saw this group of girls pointing at me and one of them said Tyde. This being Tyde Levi, just clarifying girls I'm not Tyde, I'm George! It was so funny because that wasn't the first time thats happened to me. I don't think we look a like.

Tyler, oh tyler, you are my queen slay me! The show was just outstanding and it was so funny and Tyler was just fabulous as always he never can't make me smile and friday definitely proved that. What was also really cool was that Lucy and Lydia and also Victoria (inthefrow) were there in the audience and I saw them blog which was really cool to me. I was like, "I have seen a youtuber vlog, I'm complete." I was going to ask for a selfie after the show but there was so many people and it was late so hopefully I will get the chance to some time. I did get a wave from them all, you know when you can tell the wave was for you, that happened and I felt really special. So I might be in their blog, look out for me!

So here are some sneaky pictures...

                                                                        In the queue!

I don't know what I look like in this picture but I don't care!

Here's a picture after when we were all sweaty, nice!

If any of you guys went let's start a little convo in the comments, I'd love to see how you found it find out about your Tyler story/experience. 

George x


Sunday 10 May 2015

Prom '15

On Friday the 8th I had my school Prom. It was one of the greatest nights of my life so I wanted to share it will you guys! I danced all night and had some absolutely amazing quality time with my friends. It was also quite sad to think that it would be the last time we would all be together.  Anyway before I ramble here are some photos...

We had a surprise Limo pick us up, it was absolutely amazing!

My suit was from Burton, I got it in the sale for more than half of the price off.

Burgundy suit- Burton
Shirt and tie- Asos
Belt- Hermes (amazon!)
Watch- Larsson and Jennings
Brogues- Topman

Our ride!

I really enjoyed it, I had so much fun and I couldn't have better friends.

So that was just a few photos from my school Prom. If you've had your prom recently or yours is coming up. Feel free to share and chat about your prom experiences.

George x


Sunday 3 May 2015

April Favourites

This month I have mostly been revising so not that much has occurred however I did manage to rustle up some favourites.

Paper Towns- John Green

It was April's buttons bookshelf and I was so excited to read this because the film is coming out soon! I'm so excited to see Cara play Margo Roth Spiegelman! LOVE HER!

I have also really been loving sleep throughout the easter break I have been having lots of rest and I just feel so tranquil thinking about sleep, just ah!

Pretty Little Liars had been an absolute fave! I am nearly on season 4, I know I'm behind but it has been the perfect way to have a break from revision. And everything about it is just so amazing. Its so addictive!

Another favourite has been smoothies, I have nearly made a smoothie everyday this month and I have been experimenting with lots of different recipes. They are so tasty and healthy which is a bonus and they just make me feel a lot happier drinking them.

East Lynne- Lisa Evans

I had to read a play for my Speech and Drama exam it's called East Lynne and I have to admit I was a bit sceptical I thought its going to be really dreary and not very interesting. However reading it has completely changed my mind I really got emerged into it and really felt sorry for the main character. If you ever want a quick read you should check it out.

As you would have seen I went to London with my friend Holly and I brought some new sunglasses and I love them! PURE and SIMPLE. They just are different to my classic black Ray Bans and I love the kind of dip dye effect of the grey, ah! I just LOVE sunglasses. They were £18.

I also went to Foyles (a book shop in London) and it was so beautiful, (see pictures in my London post) it was just so magical and such a lovely shop and I saw lots of beautiful cover and I just want to go again and again for all eternity.

My fashion favourite for this month was my denim jacket because it has finally started to be warm enough in England to wear one without being cold and I have been enjoying that. Holly and I love to match (look in my London post :) )

My favourite youtuber of the month has been Estée, EssieButton, what a surprise! But I have just been loving chilling out and watching her videos if you haven't seen her video with her grandma of what's in her grandma's bag? You need to now because its so funny and her grandma is so adorable!

P.S I'm going to get a new template soon to make my blog beautiful. Just to let you know; to be frank I'm getting tired of my old background, I'm thinking minimal. It says between 24 hours.

George x

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