Sunday 24 May 2015

My Favourite Smoothie at the moment!


My favourite smoothie at the moment is one of Maddie Shaw's recipes. It's called the Green Avacado and Mango smoothie. It's really delicious and also really healthy. 

The Ingredients are:

200ml of almond milk
1/2 mango
1/4 cucumber 
1/2 avocado
1 handful of spinach
The juice of 1 lime

It's quick and easy and super nutritious, I highly recommend trying this. Go Green!

                                                               George x


  1. This sounds delicious!
    I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to green smoothies but I love the idea of having mango in it!!

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

    1. I was a bit skeptical too at the beginning however the mango really makes it sweet and takes away the bitterness of the vegetables and also the avocado makes it nice and creamy which makes it taste extra delicious.


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