Sunday 30 October 2016

12 hours in Paris

Another early wake up call, 5am I've decided is a truly ungodly hour and it should not be seen. Anyway at least there was a valid reason to wake up that early, to venture to the city of love. Paris is one of my favourite cities and I was completely blown away again by the beautiful architecture, the street style, the shops, the food. The list could continue forever. A group of friends and I went for my friend's 18th. 

It was so refreshing to go to another city abroad and just escape for the day. I have a deep love for France and I have completely fallen head over heels with the romantic ambiance since I was very young. As Abba says "walks along the Saine, laughing in the rain, our last summer memories that remain". It's just a magical city and I adore it. Sorry for that soppy paragraph, it just puts a spell on you. 

I think the highlight of my day was walking around the vintage shops, we went to this shop called Episode where I bought some dockers trousers for €25! Bargain! And some €10 glasses I couldn't resist, because if you know me, you'll know I've wanted glasses since I was about 5 so I figured it was time to buy some even if they're not the Tom Ford ones I dream about. 

Overall we had such an eventful day, we had incredible sandwiches from this little boulangerie, crepes and chocolat chuads in this quaint cafe next to Killiwatch (a vintage shop). We got lost, went to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and took reams and reams of pictures. Just a great distraction from everyday life for the day. 

Even if going abroad isn't an option, I urge you to go somewhere different for the day and explore its so good for the mind and I feel it really gives me a new lease of life. 

Outfit: Coat- UO
           Turtle Neck- Topman
           Jeans- Topman
           Boots- Russell and Bromley

G x

Sunday 23 October 2016

Let's have a chat, my loves.

I thought I'd start this little segment of my blog where I just write a really chatty, really relaxed post about what's in my head.

As I am writing this I am eating an enormous piece of cake from one of my favourite cafes, Juliets. If you're ever in Tunbridge Wells go there, it's divine. I'm scrolling through tinder and listening to Solange's new album, multi tasking at its finest!

I've been loving a lot things lately and I feel I just need to get them off my chest, for instance, The Color Purple, if you follow my twitter you will probably be sick and tired of hearing this but it is genuinely one of the greatest books I have ever read. I have so much love for Alice Walker and I would do anything to see the musical and Cynthia Erivo on Broadway. I think I'm actually going to do a whole post on it, just for my own enjoyment. So basically go read the book and if you're in New York go and see the show for me.

I have absolutely been loving podcasts lately, well as always but I've really been listening to lots of different ones, my favourites are of course Jules and Sarah the podcast, The PanDolly podcast and Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon. They are just brilliant and the best a compliment on a commute to school/work/wherever. I seriously urge you to check them out.

I saw Miss Saigon the 25th Anniversary at the cinema last week and it was just incredible. It was my third time seeing the show and it was so interesting to see it through a cinematic perspective. I have bundles of love for the show and I wish them all the luck when it airs on Broadway. If you're a Miss Saigon virgin I really suggest you go listen to the soundtrack and look out for when the DVD comes out.

I am terribly sorry that I've literally just rambled about musicals again as per. Anyway onto fashion, recently I have ventured into the world of black and navy, this might be controversial to some people. However Dolce and Gabbana have had it in their catwalk looks for quite a few seasons and it looks pretty nice. I've been subtly bringing it into my wardrobe wearing a black turtle neck with a navy collared jacket, some ripped vintage skinny jeans and some black boot converse. I know its not very groundbreaking or anything but I've really enjoyed playing with new ideas in my wardrobe even if its as little as putting black and navy together.

I have really been getting back into writing recently and I have been writing some things which I can't really discuss at the moment simply because I don't know what they are yet but I am just loving releasing my creative juices and seeing where they'll take me.

Sorry if this was just one huge ramble but I just wanted to have a really chatty and laid back post this week, like we just went for coffee or something. I'm trying to think of a name and try and amalgamate a little series of chats and conversations. Maybe Coffee and a Chinwag?

all the love and I hope you have a great week

G x


Sunday 16 October 2016

Bloom- by the one and only, Estée Lalonde

I felt that I need a little documentation of Estée's book evening because I had an absolutely lovely time and I'd like share it with you.

Now let me the scene, we are at Tottenham Court Road Waterstones, possibly one of the prettiest Waterstone's I've ever been in. It was all wooden with a wooden bar with carafes of water filled with cucumber and lemons. There was a little stage where Estée, Aslan and Emma chatted and where the interview and Q&A was held. The chairs mirrored it, it was just so intimate and special I could not have had a better evening. I can't not mention the fact you got the most amazing bloom badge on arrival, I am obsessed with it!

The interview and Q&A was divine and super interesting it was like a real life ctrl alt delete podcast, which I adore. They both discussed so many interesting topics and I was having the best time. The Q&A was pretty cool too, there was so many great questions from everyone from travel to moving abroad to how Reggie was.

After that was the signing, the queue was so chilled and it was just a lovely atmosphere. It was so not hectic and it really helped as there was quite a lot of people. I absolutely love when its like that instead of everyone screaming. It meant so much to me to finally meet Estée after watching her videos and reading her blog since I was fourteen. Estée and Aslan were just the coolest people ever and it was so lovely of her to have a proper conversation with me and my sister and not just a "hi", "bye" scenario. We talked everything from Canada, to youtube, to crystals and cafes.

Estée I just want to say again a massive congratulations on your beautiful book, I am enjoying it so much. I cannot stop reading, I've already laughed, cried, felt all the emotions. Your book is just the bomb. It slays me!

all my love 

George x

Sunday 9 October 2016

12 hours in Manchester

Oh Manchester, you have stolen a little piece of my heart.

The day starts bright and early but not so bright... It starts with me a disorientated mess stumbling around my house at 5am on a Saturday morning, lets just put it out there, I'm not a morning person. I'm a Taurian so sleep is a must for me! Now this next move was very unorganised and very un fashion blogger of me, outfit was not planned! So I went safe an easy jumper, black trousers and trainers as we would be walking around. 

We got on the train and ended up on the Manchester train, we only ended up in the quiet zone! Which let me tell you is not the best place to put me as I don't do quiet very well but I got through it with a lot of whispering. We got there and looked around the university and I met the sassiest lecturer who gave me life. The night before I found out that Megan Ellaby, someone I look up to immensely was holding a meet up with Clinque. Through strategy and google maps, I made it and we had such a lovely chat, she's genuinely so so lovely and gave us some incredible eating spots. We ended up going to Evelyn's and I kid you not it was a religious experience. I had a samosa burger, yes you heard right. It was divine and I am currently having withdrawal symptoms. 

So after having a little shop and experiencing the city, my verdict is that I love it and as its been about a week since I was there I miss it very much and I would like to go back now please. 

all my love 

G x

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