Sunday 9 October 2016

12 hours in Manchester

Oh Manchester, you have stolen a little piece of my heart.

The day starts bright and early but not so bright... It starts with me a disorientated mess stumbling around my house at 5am on a Saturday morning, lets just put it out there, I'm not a morning person. I'm a Taurian so sleep is a must for me! Now this next move was very unorganised and very un fashion blogger of me, outfit was not planned! So I went safe an easy jumper, black trousers and trainers as we would be walking around. 

We got on the train and ended up on the Manchester train, we only ended up in the quiet zone! Which let me tell you is not the best place to put me as I don't do quiet very well but I got through it with a lot of whispering. We got there and looked around the university and I met the sassiest lecturer who gave me life. The night before I found out that Megan Ellaby, someone I look up to immensely was holding a meet up with Clinque. Through strategy and google maps, I made it and we had such a lovely chat, she's genuinely so so lovely and gave us some incredible eating spots. We ended up going to Evelyn's and I kid you not it was a religious experience. I had a samosa burger, yes you heard right. It was divine and I am currently having withdrawal symptoms. 

So after having a little shop and experiencing the city, my verdict is that I love it and as its been about a week since I was there I miss it very much and I would like to go back now please. 

all my love 

G x


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