Sunday 16 October 2016

Bloom- by the one and only, Estée Lalonde

I felt that I need a little documentation of Estée's book evening because I had an absolutely lovely time and I'd like share it with you.

Now let me the scene, we are at Tottenham Court Road Waterstones, possibly one of the prettiest Waterstone's I've ever been in. It was all wooden with a wooden bar with carafes of water filled with cucumber and lemons. There was a little stage where Estée, Aslan and Emma chatted and where the interview and Q&A was held. The chairs mirrored it, it was just so intimate and special I could not have had a better evening. I can't not mention the fact you got the most amazing bloom badge on arrival, I am obsessed with it!

The interview and Q&A was divine and super interesting it was like a real life ctrl alt delete podcast, which I adore. They both discussed so many interesting topics and I was having the best time. The Q&A was pretty cool too, there was so many great questions from everyone from travel to moving abroad to how Reggie was.

After that was the signing, the queue was so chilled and it was just a lovely atmosphere. It was so not hectic and it really helped as there was quite a lot of people. I absolutely love when its like that instead of everyone screaming. It meant so much to me to finally meet Estée after watching her videos and reading her blog since I was fourteen. Estée and Aslan were just the coolest people ever and it was so lovely of her to have a proper conversation with me and my sister and not just a "hi", "bye" scenario. We talked everything from Canada, to youtube, to crystals and cafes.

Estée I just want to say again a massive congratulations on your beautiful book, I am enjoying it so much. I cannot stop reading, I've already laughed, cried, felt all the emotions. Your book is just the bomb. It slays me!

all my love 

George x

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