Sunday 23 October 2016

Let's have a chat, my loves.

I thought I'd start this little segment of my blog where I just write a really chatty, really relaxed post about what's in my head.

As I am writing this I am eating an enormous piece of cake from one of my favourite cafes, Juliets. If you're ever in Tunbridge Wells go there, it's divine. I'm scrolling through tinder and listening to Solange's new album, multi tasking at its finest!

I've been loving a lot things lately and I feel I just need to get them off my chest, for instance, The Color Purple, if you follow my twitter you will probably be sick and tired of hearing this but it is genuinely one of the greatest books I have ever read. I have so much love for Alice Walker and I would do anything to see the musical and Cynthia Erivo on Broadway. I think I'm actually going to do a whole post on it, just for my own enjoyment. So basically go read the book and if you're in New York go and see the show for me.

I have absolutely been loving podcasts lately, well as always but I've really been listening to lots of different ones, my favourites are of course Jules and Sarah the podcast, The PanDolly podcast and Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon. They are just brilliant and the best a compliment on a commute to school/work/wherever. I seriously urge you to check them out.

I saw Miss Saigon the 25th Anniversary at the cinema last week and it was just incredible. It was my third time seeing the show and it was so interesting to see it through a cinematic perspective. I have bundles of love for the show and I wish them all the luck when it airs on Broadway. If you're a Miss Saigon virgin I really suggest you go listen to the soundtrack and look out for when the DVD comes out.

I am terribly sorry that I've literally just rambled about musicals again as per. Anyway onto fashion, recently I have ventured into the world of black and navy, this might be controversial to some people. However Dolce and Gabbana have had it in their catwalk looks for quite a few seasons and it looks pretty nice. I've been subtly bringing it into my wardrobe wearing a black turtle neck with a navy collared jacket, some ripped vintage skinny jeans and some black boot converse. I know its not very groundbreaking or anything but I've really enjoyed playing with new ideas in my wardrobe even if its as little as putting black and navy together.

I have really been getting back into writing recently and I have been writing some things which I can't really discuss at the moment simply because I don't know what they are yet but I am just loving releasing my creative juices and seeing where they'll take me.

Sorry if this was just one huge ramble but I just wanted to have a really chatty and laid back post this week, like we just went for coffee or something. I'm trying to think of a name and try and amalgamate a little series of chats and conversations. Maybe Coffee and a Chinwag?

all the love and I hope you have a great week

G x


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