Saturday 17 December 2016


Last night, I went to see Dreamgirls at The Savoy Theatre, if you told the seven year old me singing the soundtrack into a hairbrush in his room that this day would come he wouldn't have believed you. This show has such a special place in my heart and the fact I got to see it live starring such an incredible cast has made one of my dreams come true. 

I was in a constant state of awe during the show due to the absolutely phenomenal showcase of talent from the whole cast. Having the chance to see Amber Riley, someone who I have admired since I was eleven years old, was just such an unforgettable experience. Her Effie was just flawless and I'm so happy I got to experience it. I was also showcased to an absolutely incredible set of talented individuals, Liisi LaFontaine was just incredible, her portrayal of Deena was phenomenal, I'm in awe of you, you talented and lovely lady! Ibinabo Jack was also sensational, your Lorrell was insane, you made me laugh and cry, excellent performance! Michelle Morris was also just beautiful and her performance was truly stunning. As you can tell this sort of review is more just how much I adored this show and how great everyone was and that is no exaggeration. Seriously go and see it and experience the magic yourself, you will not regret it. 

Now the boys, man! 'Steppin' to the bad side' was just jaw droopingly good! Joe Aaron Reid's, Curtis was simply outstanding, I'm speechless if I'm quite honest. Although not completely as that wouldn't be me to be completely speechless. Adam J. Bernard's Jimmy Early and Tyrone Huntley's C.C. White were incredible and I don't say that lightly! Truly electric, Tyrone's rendition of 'Family' made me cry, I cannot deny that. And of course three cheers to Nicholas Bailey's Marty!

To all the ensemble and the swing, you were all so sharp and so brilliant, I just want to applaud all of you for just being amazing! Again I cannot comment enough on how brilliant this company is.

So here again is a 5 star review/love fest of a show, I've seen. Theatre is just so brilliant these days you cannot simply do anything but praise. 

Again, well done to everyone in this timeless show! I wanna come back and see you all again soon! 

George x


Sunday 20 November 2016

A few pieces that are always on my mind

Now this might slightly contrast what you usually read on other blogs about as I'm going to discuss some pieces that I adore, however they are not yet in my possession. So imagine it as a kind of almost what's in my bag as I am a student and these are some luxury products.

Firstly, this gorgeous Gucci belt, now if you follow my twitter you might have seen me going on about it. I adore it for many reasons, its a statement belt yet it's still quite subtle and the initials GG is the same as one of my favourite tv shows Gilmore Girls, shock horror, I sound like a broken record. So I'm currently saving up for it and I'll hopefully be able to get in when I'm in New York in the New Year, fingers crossed.

Now onto this absolutely stunning Chloé bag, the Faye backpack, I have fallen so hard for this bag. I've seen that Estée has it in blue and I have seen a few other bloggers have the Faye handbag. Since then I've just been the heart eyed emoji. I just adore the silver detail, the suede touch and the shape, basically I love everything about this. I basically sit and pray for this daily!

Sorry if this was rather brief but I have had so much on this week from school work to rehearsals everything is just mental at the moment. I just felt I needed to share my love for these two beautiful pieces that I need in my life asap.

all my love 

G x

(disclaimer these are obviously not my photos! all the love Gucci and Chloé)


Sunday 13 November 2016

Theatre Attire Realness

Last week my mum, sister and I spontaneously booked tickets to go and see The Last Five Years starring Samantha Barks and Jonathan Bailey. So obviously I grabbed the chance with both horns to pull out the grey on grey ensemble! The show was absolutely incredible and it was so amazing that Jason Robert Brown, the man who originally wrote the score directed the piece. It was magical, I laughed, I cried and I just had the best time. A great distraction from everything that's happening at the moment. Don't even get me started. Anyway if you're in the London area and fancy seeing a great show I urge you to go and see it before its run ends, I believe it ends early December.

I apologise if you're getting tired of theatre related posts, but I just love them. 

Coat- UO
Jumper- UO
Trousers- Vintage shop in Paris
Boots- Russell and Bromley 

lots of love 

G x

Saturday 5 November 2016

A Reflection on Halloween

Halloween is a time for fun, friends and expressing your inner freak. This year I decided to go in drag. However not with the intention of it being a Halloween costume but rather to commemorate past queens whom for them Halloween was the only day of the year that a man would not be persecuted for dressing in women's clothing. So this is for you my sisters and I feel proud that now we live in a world where you can dress up in drag and not get ridiculed but instead being told that you're fierce. 

I hope that you all have had a great Halloween and enjoyed getting all dressed up and just having a good time with friends/family. It's always nice to appreciate what we have and it's great that in today's world we don't have to think about what we can and can't be, we can just be. 

Lots of love, G x

Sunday 30 October 2016

12 hours in Paris

Another early wake up call, 5am I've decided is a truly ungodly hour and it should not be seen. Anyway at least there was a valid reason to wake up that early, to venture to the city of love. Paris is one of my favourite cities and I was completely blown away again by the beautiful architecture, the street style, the shops, the food. The list could continue forever. A group of friends and I went for my friend's 18th. 

It was so refreshing to go to another city abroad and just escape for the day. I have a deep love for France and I have completely fallen head over heels with the romantic ambiance since I was very young. As Abba says "walks along the Saine, laughing in the rain, our last summer memories that remain". It's just a magical city and I adore it. Sorry for that soppy paragraph, it just puts a spell on you. 

I think the highlight of my day was walking around the vintage shops, we went to this shop called Episode where I bought some dockers trousers for €25! Bargain! And some €10 glasses I couldn't resist, because if you know me, you'll know I've wanted glasses since I was about 5 so I figured it was time to buy some even if they're not the Tom Ford ones I dream about. 

Overall we had such an eventful day, we had incredible sandwiches from this little boulangerie, crepes and chocolat chuads in this quaint cafe next to Killiwatch (a vintage shop). We got lost, went to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and took reams and reams of pictures. Just a great distraction from everyday life for the day. 

Even if going abroad isn't an option, I urge you to go somewhere different for the day and explore its so good for the mind and I feel it really gives me a new lease of life. 

Outfit: Coat- UO
           Turtle Neck- Topman
           Jeans- Topman
           Boots- Russell and Bromley

G x

Sunday 23 October 2016

Let's have a chat, my loves.

I thought I'd start this little segment of my blog where I just write a really chatty, really relaxed post about what's in my head.

As I am writing this I am eating an enormous piece of cake from one of my favourite cafes, Juliets. If you're ever in Tunbridge Wells go there, it's divine. I'm scrolling through tinder and listening to Solange's new album, multi tasking at its finest!

I've been loving a lot things lately and I feel I just need to get them off my chest, for instance, The Color Purple, if you follow my twitter you will probably be sick and tired of hearing this but it is genuinely one of the greatest books I have ever read. I have so much love for Alice Walker and I would do anything to see the musical and Cynthia Erivo on Broadway. I think I'm actually going to do a whole post on it, just for my own enjoyment. So basically go read the book and if you're in New York go and see the show for me.

I have absolutely been loving podcasts lately, well as always but I've really been listening to lots of different ones, my favourites are of course Jules and Sarah the podcast, The PanDolly podcast and Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon. They are just brilliant and the best a compliment on a commute to school/work/wherever. I seriously urge you to check them out.

I saw Miss Saigon the 25th Anniversary at the cinema last week and it was just incredible. It was my third time seeing the show and it was so interesting to see it through a cinematic perspective. I have bundles of love for the show and I wish them all the luck when it airs on Broadway. If you're a Miss Saigon virgin I really suggest you go listen to the soundtrack and look out for when the DVD comes out.

I am terribly sorry that I've literally just rambled about musicals again as per. Anyway onto fashion, recently I have ventured into the world of black and navy, this might be controversial to some people. However Dolce and Gabbana have had it in their catwalk looks for quite a few seasons and it looks pretty nice. I've been subtly bringing it into my wardrobe wearing a black turtle neck with a navy collared jacket, some ripped vintage skinny jeans and some black boot converse. I know its not very groundbreaking or anything but I've really enjoyed playing with new ideas in my wardrobe even if its as little as putting black and navy together.

I have really been getting back into writing recently and I have been writing some things which I can't really discuss at the moment simply because I don't know what they are yet but I am just loving releasing my creative juices and seeing where they'll take me.

Sorry if this was just one huge ramble but I just wanted to have a really chatty and laid back post this week, like we just went for coffee or something. I'm trying to think of a name and try and amalgamate a little series of chats and conversations. Maybe Coffee and a Chinwag?

all the love and I hope you have a great week

G x


Sunday 16 October 2016

Bloom- by the one and only, Estée Lalonde

I felt that I need a little documentation of Estée's book evening because I had an absolutely lovely time and I'd like share it with you.

Now let me the scene, we are at Tottenham Court Road Waterstones, possibly one of the prettiest Waterstone's I've ever been in. It was all wooden with a wooden bar with carafes of water filled with cucumber and lemons. There was a little stage where Estée, Aslan and Emma chatted and where the interview and Q&A was held. The chairs mirrored it, it was just so intimate and special I could not have had a better evening. I can't not mention the fact you got the most amazing bloom badge on arrival, I am obsessed with it!

The interview and Q&A was divine and super interesting it was like a real life ctrl alt delete podcast, which I adore. They both discussed so many interesting topics and I was having the best time. The Q&A was pretty cool too, there was so many great questions from everyone from travel to moving abroad to how Reggie was.

After that was the signing, the queue was so chilled and it was just a lovely atmosphere. It was so not hectic and it really helped as there was quite a lot of people. I absolutely love when its like that instead of everyone screaming. It meant so much to me to finally meet Estée after watching her videos and reading her blog since I was fourteen. Estée and Aslan were just the coolest people ever and it was so lovely of her to have a proper conversation with me and my sister and not just a "hi", "bye" scenario. We talked everything from Canada, to youtube, to crystals and cafes.

Estée I just want to say again a massive congratulations on your beautiful book, I am enjoying it so much. I cannot stop reading, I've already laughed, cried, felt all the emotions. Your book is just the bomb. It slays me!

all my love 

George x

Sunday 9 October 2016

12 hours in Manchester

Oh Manchester, you have stolen a little piece of my heart.

The day starts bright and early but not so bright... It starts with me a disorientated mess stumbling around my house at 5am on a Saturday morning, lets just put it out there, I'm not a morning person. I'm a Taurian so sleep is a must for me! Now this next move was very unorganised and very un fashion blogger of me, outfit was not planned! So I went safe an easy jumper, black trousers and trainers as we would be walking around. 

We got on the train and ended up on the Manchester train, we only ended up in the quiet zone! Which let me tell you is not the best place to put me as I don't do quiet very well but I got through it with a lot of whispering. We got there and looked around the university and I met the sassiest lecturer who gave me life. The night before I found out that Megan Ellaby, someone I look up to immensely was holding a meet up with Clinque. Through strategy and google maps, I made it and we had such a lovely chat, she's genuinely so so lovely and gave us some incredible eating spots. We ended up going to Evelyn's and I kid you not it was a religious experience. I had a samosa burger, yes you heard right. It was divine and I am currently having withdrawal symptoms. 

So after having a little shop and experiencing the city, my verdict is that I love it and as its been about a week since I was there I miss it very much and I would like to go back now please. 

all my love 

G x


Sunday 11 September 2016

Cannes OOTD

I recently came back from the south of France with my family, we all had such a lovely time and it is one of my favourite places so I wanted to share an outfit which I wore to our day out in Cannes. It started off as a beach day and then we went into the centre for the evening and of course we had to pick up some Laduree salted caramel macaroons because they are divine! Apologies for only one shot, that day was not the best for pictures! You know when it just doesn't work out? Yeah that was that day.

Sunglasses- Topman
Shirt- Reiss
Shorts- H&M
Shoes- adidas stan smith

all the love,

G x


Sunday 4 September 2016

August Favourites

Wow! August has gone so quickly, it's crazy! I got back to school tomorrow, my last ever year at school and let's just say I've got mixed emotions. I just know it's going to go so quick and in a way I'm ready and in a way I'm not. Anyway enough rambling about school. Let's get into my favourites...

So firstly is a fashion favourite, I have been absolutely loving my shirt that I got from All Saints whilst I was in Canada, in the sale! Can I say bargain? Bargain. Also the fact Dave Franco has the same shirt is pretty cool, I wore it to my first day to Sitc and when I went on a film set last week and out for dinners. Basically I have worn it a lot and I'm obsessed.

Another fashion favourite of course is sunglasses, now if you don't know about my sunglasses obsession you must be new. So hi, welcome. I am in love with sunglasses. All I want is more and more sunglasses. It is quite unhealthy. So yeah, sunglasses have been on my face constantly this summer and I am going to miss them when autumn starts, although I can probably get away with them for a bit longer can't I?

Now a smell, now Jo Malone is a huge love in my life and 154 and Wood Sage and Sea Salt are two of my absolute favourites, but when in Rome, well Toronto, I got Tom Ford Black Orchid and oh my I adore it. It smells so nice and I get so many compliments which is always good for the soul. On other news the new Basil and Neroli scent from Jo Malone smells absolutely divine so I think that will be in my possession very soon!

Now skincare, a firm favourite of mine. I just love it. Recently I have been trying the First aid beauty range, now I have heard great things but I never levitated to it, but boy oh boy I wish I did sooner. It is so good! My favourite is the Pure skin Face Cleanser, it is just so soft on the skin and you really don't need more than a pea size, so it lasts longer! My skin has just really taken to it and I am very grateful. Thank you FAB.

Now Brighton Pride on the 6th of August was the just the best! I had such an amazing time with my friends and met so many incredible new people which I am so grateful for, they are just the best. Pride's are just the most wonderful time of the year and to be surrounded by all the love, the gays and the rainbows is just so good to the soul. So obviously Pride is a favourite. I wish they were every month!

Now, if you are new here you might also not know that I am completely and utterly obsessed with theatre and musical theatre, I saw The Bodyguard starring Beverley Knight and I am speechless. We went really spontaneously and I can honestly say it was one of the best shows I have ever seen. I cried at every song and Beverley's voice live, is just liquid gold. I am hoping and praying for a cast recording! If you haven't seen it, GO! You won't regret it. I'm planning on going again soon, I just can't get enough.

Summer in the city! You have just had a whole post about this so I will move on to save you!

A youtube favourite, Megan Ellaby, now I have been watching Megan's videos for a few months now and I just love them, her videos are some of my favourites out there. She is so funny and she just knows what to wear and style. I have been getting so much inspiration from her, her vlogs with George just make me laugh and I do love a travel vlog so her channel is just for me. Fashion and travel, golden!

Now lastly, TV, Gilmore Girls, man that is my shit! I just love it, it makes me feel all nostalgic and if you want a laugh watch it. I love shows like this and here's to 153 beautiful episodes! So much love for this show as I share my love with Caitlin ( @demioddle ), she's the Rory to Lorelai. Watch it and then you'll understand.

So that's my favourites for this month, the summer has gone so quick. I can't handle it. Wishing you all a great start to September. It is when Fashion begins again, so I'm feeling good. Going to buy my September issues shortly.

Chat later my loves,

George x

Saturday 3 September 2016

Summer in the City 2016

Just a disclaimer, so you are warned in advance, there is a lot which means there is a whole lotta love, cuteness and joy.

I was writing about Summer in the City in my favourites post and then I realised that it was taking up so much space, so I figured why not dedicate a post like I did last year?! I had the best weekend at SITC, I met so many amazing people who I genuinely can't live without now. I met up with Caitlin and Alana again which was so so lovely, I met Nella there who is genuinely one of the loveliest people I have ever met. I will leave her channel down below so go show it some love. She is just amazing and I'm so glad I got to meet her. I also met Freya of whom I have followed on twitter for some time and Leah, we instantly hit it off and I hadn't laughed like I did with them for a long time! We just clicked. I am so grateful to Youtube and this incredible community because through it I get to meet some truly amazing people! I love you all so much and I miss you more and more everyday!

I met Rose and Rosie which was big for me because I have watched them for such a long time and they have got me through so much and they were the loveliest people ever! Obviously! In May we'll go clubbing promise Rosie! I got to meet Trent and Luke for the first time which was so amazing, they are incredible huggers. I got to see Riyadh, Melanie, Calum, Roly and Jamie again and meet Jack and Ben from ( Our Swirl Life ), love them!

I saw some incredible panels, the LGBTQ+ panel, the Mental health panel, the Coming Out on YouTube panel, Women on YouTube and the Oversharing on YouTube panel. I got to meet Dodie, Hannah Witton, Lucy Moon, Grace and Amelia Mandeville, Alex and Jake and so many more! It was so great to meet so many people who I look up to in this community. Such an incredible weekend. Roll on next year! It can't come soon enough!

Now the pictures, my favourite part...

Summer in the City has such a special place in my heart thank you to everyone for making it the best one yet! Here's to next year.

all my love, hugs and kisses

George x

Monday 8 August 2016

Day in Toronto OOTD

I thought I would do a little throwback outfit to when I was in Toronto, to be honest with you I really didn't plan this outfit out. I just saw my white top and shorts and figured I'd never worn them togther before and just went for it. Now I am kind of digging it, I love how the red gives it a little pop and I felt a little bit like an angle although you could argue that me and angel don't mix! I wanted to be all cool like the Michalaks with my graffiti wall and I hope I've pulled it off! Toronto is a seriously amazing city and I miss it so much already, I just want to go back and see more. This is a very summery look that maybe if England is kind it will let me wear it again.

Sunglasses- Jeepers Peepers
Top- Topman
Shorts- H&M
Shoes- Adidas

all my love
G x


Saturday 16 July 2016

What's in my carry on

When you are reading this I will be flying to Toronto tomorrow, I'm so excited. I have never been to Canada before and I'm also going to see family too which is going to be so lovely. I'm hoping that there will be lots of opportunities to take photos and share my trip with you and I hope that in years to come I can come back to this and see what 17 year old me thought of it all.

I see loads of people do this type of post/video and because I love reading/watching them so much I thought I'd do my very own, what's in my carry on. So I'm going to show you what I pack for my flights and little tips for the plane that I have picked up from others because lets face it, things on the aeroplane are very important!

So lets start somewhere, I always take some reading for the plane because you have time to kill and sometimes I prefer to read as a break and its very relaxing which is a good thing whilst you're on a plane. I am currently reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton for my a levels and I also take a book for pleasure. I'm taking The Night That Changed Everything by Laura Tait and Jimmy Rice, i was in Waterstones the other day looking for my holiday read and I came across it. It's not with me at the moment so you'll just have to imagine it but the cover is really pretty and it sounds right up my street!

Next is an obvious for me, headphones, now I like to take a selection in case I get bored because sometimes when you are on the plane for ages everything is so repetitive. So I have my apple ones but also my over head ones which for some weird reason I hate wearing in public. Don't ask me why. Of course my phone as well, physically could not go on a flight without it, we are all the same aren't we?

Another absolute necessity is a portable charger, I got mine of amazon by the brand Anker and I find it really works well and its not enormous so its really easy to take around with me on the go. I also have my card holder which you will never see me without, it is just so easy and it even can hold some change which is such a bonus!

I'm also taking a moisturiser for when getting of the plane because my skin often gets dry on and I am not into that so I just find that bringing a little moisturiser can really be a saving grace, lip balm is also a must so I have my aloe vera vaseline with me too.

Now throw in some snacks, some water and a few home comforts like a favourite jumper and I'm good to go.

So that is what is normally in my carry on, its sometimes changes but that is what you could say are my staples for my carry on.

George x


Sunday 10 July 2016

funny girl: Review

On the 6th of July, I went to see Funny Girl at the Savoy Theatre on the West End and now that I have seen this I feel that I have to talk to you guys about it and give a little review. Believe me, I'm not a professional but I just wanted to share my experience and praise such a wonderful company.

Before going to see Funny Girl, I had a basic understanding of the story line and I had known a few of the songs from the show however this did not prepare me enough for what I was about to see. It was truly exquisite, after the first act I knew that this would be in my top five musicals that I have ever seen. The story is so beautiful and so honest and I definitely feel that I really connected with the whole show.

Now lets get on the the actors, my oh my, the array of talent throughout the company was truly phenomenal, it most certainly was not just the leads who stood out but the swing and the ensemble were just outstanding.

Natasha Barnes, where do I even begin? She was absolutely breathtaking, I simply cannot put into words how incredible she is, the minute she was on the stage I was hooked by her funny, charismatic and tear-jerking portrayal of Fanny Brice. She made me laugh, made me cry and made me cry from laughing. A true star. A standing ovation was completely in order, even just as a small token of us as an audience's appreciation.

Matthew Goodgame played the role of Nick Arnstein and I was completely captured by his performance from the minute he came on stage. I felt his portrayal as Nick was just flawless and the chemistry between Fanny and Nick was so prevalent throughout the performance.

It is safe to say that I thoroughly loved the performance and I would go again and again. That feeling that I felt when Natasha sang Don't rain on my parade was something that I would go back in time to experience again. Pure talent throughout the whole production.

I would also like to give a mention to Philip Bertoli and Luke Fetherston who were really outstanding and I really admired your performances.

5 star perfromance!

So if you get the chance to go and see this wonderful show please do, you will not regret it. I can assure you.

George x

Sunday 22 May 2016

Being spontaneous and a mini haul

I would first like to apologise for my absence the last few weeks, the reason I haven't been writing anything is because I am currently in exam season and after revision, I've found it difficult to have the motivation to think of new ideas which is upsetting because I really love my little blog and sharing with you all.

So this is a kind of story time/ mini haul the reason for this is because, yesterday I decided to go up to London after my english exam to be spontaneous and treat myself as its been a long week. I'm writing this because when watching Hannah and Stef's (The Michalaks) vlog last week they encouraged us viewers to do something spontaneous for #lightandfree, so thats what I did.

This is where it gets interesting, so I'm walking along Regent Street and I hear someone calling my name and its only Riyadh! Now if you don't know who he is, where have you been? Riyadh Khalaf if you don't know has his own youtube channel, which I think is amazing by the way and he also happens to be a friend of mine since meeting him at last year's Summer in the City which is so lovely since I really look up to him as a youtuber and as a person. We ended up doing a bit shopping and had a good catch up.

So I urge you to do something spontaneous, no matter how little it is. You'll never know what might happen.

So I just thought I'd share what I got with y'all since I haven't treated myself in a while, I got some new jeans from Levis in Urban Outfitters, in the sale, perfect and I also went into the Skinny Dip store on Carnaby Street and I simply could not leave without this phone case, I've seen people have it and I felt I really needed to jump on the band wagon! Its so cute and I'm all about that avo life!

I hope you are all having a lovely week and I will be back soon, hopefully more consistent, again I'm very sorry.

All the love 

George x

Sunday 17 April 2016

How to style one of your dad's/male relatives t-shirts

I've seen quite a lot of this sort of thing around at the moment and I thought why not I jump on the band wagon?! I don't know about you but I love wearing older/vintage items of clothing, I feel they have a bit of history to them. My Dad has always been interested in fashion and when he gets new stuff he tends to ask me whether I want some pieces that he doesn't wear anymore. Its normally t-shirts and jumpers, but what I love about them is that they are oversized on me and I love the look of an oversized tee tucked into a pair of vintage jeans. Hence the look I'm wearing. I'm also very happy because its spring and that means sunglasses and light shoes! Ugh, my favourite combination! Love!

Sunglasses- Topman
Top- Vintage Abercombie 
Jeans- Vintage Topman
Shoes- Whistles 

George x


Sunday 27 March 2016

Bloggers Lush Event in Tunbridge Wells

Being a blogger event virgin, I was slightly apprehensive as to what the night would uphold however I was pleasantly surprised! The event was so lovely. I went with my best friend Holly, obviously, and her brother and boyfriend and we all had a great time.

Having walked there in the rain and looking slightly like drowned rats we were welcomed warmly and we went to the second floor of the shop. There was food, drink and demonstrations. Also the opportunity to make your own bubble bars and bath bombs, which I obviously jumped at the chance and it ended up being very therapeutic. 

We watched Reece, one of the staff, make the cupcake face mask, which I am currently wearing whilst writing this post. A highlight of the evening was that we bumped into Rhiannon Ashlee and we had really cute chat about everything from lush to the Michalaks.

We also received a generous bag of goodies, in which there will be a separate blogpost on because I figured that they needed their own post because it was so generous of lush to endow us with such treats! Here's some pictures from the night taken by my beautiful best friend...

This is my ootn: Jumper- Urban Outfitters
                           Trousers- Whistles
                           Chelsea boots- Russell and Bromley 

Thank you so much Lush for a lovely evening and let me just say that those sultana and raisin cookies were absolutely divine! 

George x

photos: @hollyjadewillis / @inlovewiththiscity

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