Tuesday 29 December 2015

December Favourites

I just want to apologise for my absence from the past few weeks, I've just had so much on with school and the christmas chaos that I just haven't found the time to upload the content that I really want to put out. One of my resolutions for next year is to make my blogposts a lot better and to potentially start a youtube channel. Anyway now onto the favourites...

Starting with tea, what a surprise! The tea I have been loving this month is the Christmas Cake tea from the Bluebird Tea Company, to me its the essence of christmas, it smells like christmas and it tastes like christmas. What more could you want during December?

Diary keeping-  these past few months I have been trying to keep a diary and I want this to follow on, however I haven't made myself do it every single day which has made me find it so much more enjoyable instead of it being just a chore. It's been really helpful to write my feelings down and to just let it out because people, myself particularly, don't talk about their feelings enough.

As one of my christmas presents I got the Jo Malone cologne in the scent 154, and I can't stop using it, Jo Malone is a brand that I have grown up watching my mum wear so its kind of special for me to have my own fragrance from there.

My best friend, Holly, as one of my presents got me the Harry Potter colouring book and I've forgotten how much I miss colouring its so much fun and its also a great creative outlet when you want to do something productive.

Star Wars, since the Star Wars film has been released and I haven't seen the films in years, I couldn't really remember them to be honest and I've also been badgered by a certain someone to watch them, so I decided to delve into the Star Wars world and its safe to say that I'm really into it. My favourite one so far has been Episode 6 Return of the Jedi.

And last but not least a fashion favourite, of course it has to be the turtle neck, I genuinely do have a serious obsession with them and I totally agree and relate to Estée Lalonde's quotes "In my heart I think I'm 70% turtle" and "warm neck, warm heart".

Thank you so much for sticking with me this past year, its safe to say that I've had quite the journey and I'm glad I got to share some of that with you. I promise next year everything will be bigger and better, I'm coming up with ideas as I write this. If you even remember my mini fashion series! The extra three posts will be up shortly.

George x

Sunday 29 November 2015

November Favourites

Wow, it seems so crazy that November is over! So its that time of the month again, its time to share the things I've been loving this month with you all.

First let's start off with my diary, I got this last year from my stepsister and I love it but the reason I have really been loving it this month is due to the fact that I've started to write a diary again. I wrote a diary properly about two years ago but then stupidly I threw it out because I really didn't want it anymore which is a shame because I would love to read it now! However yes I've decided to write down all my thoughts and feelings as a release and it really works and I've forgotten how much fun it is to keep a diary.

Second, Dairy Milk, yes this would be in my favourites every month because I'm completely obsessed but I have just really been loving it this month and eating quite a lot whilst watching Made in Chelsea on a cosy evening.

Third, Peach, Camomile & Green tea from Marks, it is one of my favourite drinks around and its so refreshing and I always find that you can drink it anywhere and at any time. Brownie points to whoever buys me one of these!

Fourth, the kiss me lip balm from Philosophy, since its been getting colder thats when the lips start to chap and that is most definitely something I want to avoid. I also thought the whole "kiss me" idea of it might bring me luck, maybe that just takes longer! But seriously it is one of the best lip balms I've ever used its so thick and it really does moisturise your lips. It's not the best of smells but if you can over come that, its amazing! Seriously recommend that.

Fifth, the Tresemme Keratin Smooth Heat Protection Spray, I had a complete nightmare this month where my straighteners decided to break on me however when I brought a new pair of tresemme ones this came free and oh my its amazing! It really feels like its protecting my hair and also helping keep those unruly curls and waves at bay.

And finally, sixth, the Vaseline cocoa body butter, since its now getting really cold and my skin really doesn't like it I've been using this very frequently. This body butter had been a godsend and has been keeping my skin nice and smooth this month.

So there you are my favourites of the month. Apologies that there is a break between my mini fashion series, there are two reasons for this, 1) I really wanted to talk about these favourites and 2) I'm not completely happy with the pictures for the other outfits so I'm redoing them.

I hope you all had a good November and feel free to comment your favourites down below.

George x

Sunday 22 November 2015

Looks Inspired from My Favourite Male Youtubers- The Tyler

Get the Look

Jumper- Topman
Shirt- M&S
Black Jeans- Topman
Shoes- Converse

Tyler's style to me is very dapper yet with a colourful twist so he'll say wear a buttoned up shirt yet with a fun print (for example his black and white checked one), which I am obsessed with. With this look its very monochrome and I love it, he wore something similar to this at Marcus Butler's book launch and I thought he looked like a true queen. 

As you have probably seen I met Tyler recently and it was truly such an incredible experience, he even said I had " really cute pants" so I have the Tyler stamp of approval with one pair of my many checked trousers!

George x


Sunday 15 November 2015

Looks inspired from My Favourite Male Youtubers- The JIM

Get the look

Denim Jacket- Levis
Turtle Neck- Topman
Black Jeans- Topman
Chelsea Boots- Russell and Bromley

I first started watching Jim's videos about 4 years ago and I genuinely fell for his charm, cheeky smile and the fact that we were best friends. I met Jim last year at his Coca-Cola themed meet up and I still have the bottle! I remember it being quite a hot day but I insisted that I'd wear this jumper that he had which I had to buy because it was so nice. So it did take a lot of personal strength not to overheat but it was all worth it when he was like "NICE JUMPER!"

Jim's style is very sharp and gentlemanly, he always looks sleek and stylish in everything he wears even if its just a tshirt and jeans. He really knows what clothes look good on him and he works them to his advantage for creating his effortlessly smart casual everyday looks. A little story about this outfit is that I wore this when I met Tanya and she said she loved my outfit and Jim would love it too and I said to her that the outfit was inspired by him and she was like, I have to tell him! So there you go!

George x

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Saturday 14 November 2015

Just a heads up!- My little series

Tomorrow will be the first instalment of my little series I've created, I wanted to do a sort of homage to some of my favourite male youtubers' style so each Sunday starting tomorrow there will be a post per youtuber which will include a look put together by me with a paragraph about them, their style and my genuine love for them.

I hope you enjoy this little mini series, I really enjoyed picking the outfits and writing these posts particularly.

George x

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Finally Meeting My Queen- @tyleroakley

Meeting Tyler on Sunday the 1st of November was one of the most surreal moments in my life so I wanted to share that with you guys. It was so lovely to finally meet the person after so many years of following him on his journey and tell him that he has really helped me love and be my true self and the fact I got to thank him for that in person was just incredible! We had an adorable conversation and of course I brought my wiggle which is a true conversation starter, I knew he'd love it. I got him a bracelet even though he said not to get him anything because of his suitcase space and the fact he didn't need anything but I wanted to get him at least a little something so I thought a bracelet (which I have a matching one) wouldn't take up a lot in his suitcase.

But seriously he was literally one of the sweetest humans that I have ever met in my life and we have some really adorable pictures thanks to Tyler's selfie skills and my other queen Brittany (instagram: @therutters) who took these pictures that I will treasure forever. He said "thank you so much for sharing that with me" when I told him about how he helped me be confident and love myself for me and have the courage to be my true self and be open. He also said that I had "really cute pants" and that made me die because 1) obviously fashion means a freakin' lot me and 2) my queen said I had cute pants, squee! For us Brits, that means trousers, I didn't flash at him!

I'm so excited to read Binge and I can already tell its going to be my bible, just thank you again Tyler for making this moment really special, I'm eternally grateful.

Picture time, aren't we adorable?...

 George x

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Cup of tea, anyone?

Yes, this might seem the most British thing in the world, but I thought I'd celebrate the fact that The Bluebird Tea Company has opened it's second store in my local town. I am an avid tea drinker and before the new store opened, the only way to get this glorious tea was when I went to Brighton. Brighton is about an hour away from me, so that was a trek for my beloved tea, but now it's so much closer and I couldn't be happier. So I thought I'd enlighten you, my viewers/readers, to the world of The Bluebird Tea Co.

My favourite tea from them at the moment is the MojiTEA, it's beautiful and I could drink it all day and not get tired of it. It's just so full of flavour.

So if you live near Brighton or Tunbridge Wells I seriously urge you to go to one of their shops and try some of their tea. They also have a website so if you don't live close you can still order it online, which is a godsend.

George x


Sunday 18 October 2015

Let's Talk: Fashion

I don't know if my my views on fashion have been truly expressed. So I figured I'd dedicate a post on everything I can think of and express about my thoughts and passions for the world of fashion.

Firstly, how I got interested in fashion, well ever since I can remember my Mum being an avid lover of all things fashion and beauty and I think that's where my flair really came from. The fact that I spent a lot of my time around clothes as a child, I remember going to my Mum's favourite shop at the time Jigsaw and just being infatuated by the clothes and the jewellery. Other shops were frequently as important but Jigsaw really has stuck with me. Although, I must admit it isn't what it used to be, in the least shady way possible. It still has a dear place in my heart. So that's where it all started, so basically fashion is in my blood.

Now onto people in the industry, who I really and truly look up to. The three main people in the industry are Alexa Chung, Anna Wintour and Iris Apfel because they all have qualities that I wish to have. For example Anna's drive and absolute passion for the business and is totally dedicated to making American Vogue as brilliant as it can be. Alexa for her ability to evolve and develop throughout her time in the industry from being a model to going into TV to a writer. Last but most definitely not least Iris, who just has such a beautiful approach to fashion, she's just so open and is absolutely timeless and her being 94 and still being such a major contributor is just extraordinary.

If you are interested in fashion and want to watch some films/documentaries/videos here's some I seriously recommend:

The September Issue- Netflix

Iris- Netflix

The Future of Fashion, Alexa Chung and British Vogue- British Vogue's YouTube Channel

My style icons 

I take my inspiration from everywhere to be honest but there are certain individuals that I really admire and get my inspiration from and these people are:

Alexa Chung,
Jim Chapman,
Estée Lalonde,
Ingrid Nilsen.

Some people question me and say, "How can your style icons be girls if you don't wear women's clothes?" My answer to that is, firstly I don't think clothes shouldn't be gendered and that people should be able to wear what makes them happy and secondly that it might not always be exactly what they are wearing, it's how a person wears the garment.

My opinion on fashion is that it is severely underrated and it isn't appreciated near enough as it is. It would be an understatement to say that fashion has changed my life and shaped me to be the person I am today. It's a platform where you can express yourself fully and choose however way you want to express yourself. It can make you stand out of a crowd and let you be yourself. It's a true art form that is so important to your soul. Me personally, it makes me feel joy if I'm wearing something that I have put together and created. See look how happy this bag, I took a picture with made me feel!

Here was a little insight on my thoughts on fashion, I hope you enjoyed it and didn't get bored half way through. Fashion is a real passion of mine that is ingrained in my soul so I'm really happy that I got to share this with you.

George x


Sunday 11 October 2015

My Current UO Wishlist

So these are some pieces that I have recently been lusting over, so I figured I wanted to share them with you. Urban Outfitters is one of my favourite shops and I don't think I've shown it enough love ob this blog yet, so here you are.

The Farah Askern Black Overcoat- £170

Nike Internationalist Black Leather Trainers- £70

Commodity Stock Navy and White 3/4 Reglan Tee- £15

Levi's Type 3 Johnny Sherpa Denim Jacket- £95

Black Plaid Scarf- £18

(Disclaimer: all these photos are from the Urban Outfitters website. Just in case you were confused or are really interested in the world of copyright.)

George x


Tuesday 6 October 2015

September Favourites

September is my favourite month of the year and although this month has had its ups and its downs, I've had a great month and have discovered and rediscovered some favourites that I'd like to share with you.

Firstly, I went to see Wicked with my school on the 22nd of September and I had such a lovely time watching one of my favourite musicals with some of my closest and bestest friends. It was my second time seeing it however it was about eight years ago since I last saw it so it was amazing to see it and feel the magic again. The cast were impeccable and I later found out that it was their first night all together as a new cast and I just thought they were sensational and the lyrics haven't stopped flowing from my lips since. During 'For Good' my best friend Holly and I cried and held hands the whole way through it was such a beautiful moment to share with her.

Then there's my new turtle neck that I got in Topman, the minute I saw it I fell in love, its navy and has a slight burgundy strip along the top of the neck, end of the sleeves and around the bottom of the jumper. In my eyes its truly lush and I'm so happy with it. If you didn't know I have a slight obsession with turtle necks.

Next is Matcha tea, and hear me out you might have heard that people have had matcha lattes and thought they were horrible but the tea is delicious, the only way I can describe it is as green tea but with more flavour. Its is a type of green tea and it bursting full of antioxidants and it supposed to be really good for you. So I've been loving that this past month.

Onto books, this month I have been reading I'll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson and even though I haven't finished it yet I am head over heels in love with it, I love the storyline, the characters, the concept, they layout. Ugh, its just wonderful!

My food favourite has been porridge, since its been getting colder in the mornings, I've gotten back into the mood of having porridge for breakfast, my favourite way to have it is with berries and honey with the occasional disked banana.

I have had a favourite moisturiser of the month and that has been Lush's New Charity Pot, hand and body lotion, which I have been using on my hands, feet, elbows and knees and it keeps them nourished all day and its really silky and I've just really got on well with it.

I have had a stationary favourite this month and that has been Paper mate pens, I have one in every colour and I just love to write with them they are so smooth and they make my handwriting look nice, so they are a definite winner in my eyes.

My youtube favourite of this month has been, The Michalaks, I know I go on about them all the time but I just can't get enough of their vlogs. Their vlogs this month have been particularly brilliant this month much to Stef's dismay but some of my favourite ever vlogs have been in this month.

So that's my September favourites, I hope you've enjoyed learning what I've been loving this past month and I hope to see you all soon. I also have been working on a little project which I will let you know about in due course, I'm planning to have it up on my blog this month so keep an eye out on further details.

George x


Sunday 13 September 2015

Book Haul

This haul is a mix of books that I have bought for English A-level and just for leisure, The Great Gatsby, The History Boys and Measure for Measure are the books I will be studying when I go back to school however, I need some other books to read. I was recommended "I'll give you the sun" by one of my best friends Holly and she rated it 5 stars and its very rare for her to rate books that, so I knew I had to get it.

With Joey's book, well the story was that I was in London with Holly and we ended up in Waterstones (what a surprise) and I found a signed copy so I was like, I HAVE TO GET IT! With Two Boys Kissing, I had always wanted to read a book by David Levithan and the reviews said this was a good one, I'm about 3/4 of the way through and its really good and so clever and honest. It's a real good read.

Two Boys Kissing- David Levithan

I'll give you the sun- Jandy Nelson

In Real Life- Joey Graceffa

The Great Gatsby- F Scott Fitzgerald (however this is not present!)

The History Boys- Alan Bennett

George x

Sunday 6 September 2015

6/ 7 Youtubers I'm Loving At The Moment!

I have recently really been loving these youtubers recently however my love for them has been strong for a long time I thought I'd share my current youtube favourites. Just a disclaimer these aren't in order I couldn't possibly do that!

1. RiyadhK- I have been a big supporter of Riyadh's videos for quite a while now and I recently met Riyadh at SITC, you will probably have heard about that by now! His videos are just so funny but also have messages behind them. He's so original in what he uploads and that's what I love about his channel, its not like any other. His mixture of videos spreads through a wide range of topics and I having watched all of them can honestly say that he's just a brilliant content creator and I hope that one day I could be on his level.

2. The Michalaks- These videos are created by Stef and Hannah Maggs/Michalak. I look forward to Sundays because of their videos, the videos are for their beautiful baby boy Grayson and I just think it is the nicest idea ever! They are probably the best presented videos I watch on youtube they are just sensational. With day to day updates and silky montages, I couldn't think of anything better. They are both just hilarious and never fail to make me laugh especially Stef, I just totally get his sense of humour and I'm going to stop going on because otherwise I'll be here all day.

3. Estée Lalonde- Yes Estée is definitely in this because she will forever be in my top five youtubers of all time, I just seem to click with her and her personality and I will gladly sit through her make up tutorials even though I don't wear make up just because I enjoy what she has to say and I seem to find so many similarities between us for example, this really freaks me out sometimes is that we have the exact same cutlery, she or Aslan will whip out a knife or something and I'll be like I have that! Its kinda creepy and don't get me started on Reggie! He's just so beautiful, (that's her greyhound if you don't know)

4. PyschoSoprano- The one and only Colleen Ballinger, one of my queens, who never fails to make me laugh and also cry e.g. (the proposal and wedding video obviously!) Her videos just always make me feel happy and never fail to make me laugh hysterically. She's just so talented and has an incredible voice and also her whole persona as MirandaSings is just bootiful to me! I applaud you Colleen come to the UK to see me soon, inserts the super cute smiley emoji!

5. LucyAndLydia- They are just so funny and I also seem to find so many similarities between us with favourite songs and obsessions which include Disney and PLL. They just put me in a good mood and I can always count on them to make me laugh or smile and I really appreciate them for that, I'm eternally grateful. They were so lovely when I met them and they both give amazing hugs.

6. BeautyCrush- Sammi, oh Sammi, I'm obsessed with you, (in a non-creepy way... promise), I just think she's so cool and I absolutely love her style and her tattoos and she also is so down to earth and she really makes me feel zen and calm, I can always count on her to calm me down and relax. I also really love her blog and also her vlog channel and I can't wait to purchase something from Novem and Knight her and Jason's gorgeous clothing line. The stripy t-shirt is a current want!

George x


Sunday 30 August 2015

My Kanken

I have been wanting one of these for quite a while and finally I purchased a Kanken, I went for the classic black so it would go with anything, because let's face it, it's not coming off of my back. Its going to be my school bag too so it won't really be off my person, so that's why I didn't mind paying a little more for it. They are such good quality and it seems to be like a Mary Poppins bag because I keep managing to get everything I want in it and more. Which is what you especially need in a school bag! Fun fact when this picture was taken I was on a Street Art tour, I really recommend going, it was really interesting and I learnt a lot about the world of Street Art and Graffiti. If you were wondering it was organised by Alternative London Tours. I also met Kevin Mchale whilst on this tour, I walked past him so that was definitely a memorable day.

I'm obsessed and I'm so tempted to just buy them all!

George x

Sunday 23 August 2015


What a day! It was probably one of the best days of my life, I met Alana and Caitlin finally, they were both so lovely and we all got on so well. I got to meet so many amazing people and the whole day was just brilliant and I'm so grateful to everyone who had a part to play in Summer in the City because I just had the best time!

So where do I begin? Well, lets start when I met Riyadh (youtube- RiyadhK), I sadly didn't get meet and great tickets to meet him however, we were tweeting before and he said he'd meet me after his meet and greet was finished, so I was like, great! What I loved about SITC was that youtubers were just walking around and I just saw him and I went over and he goes, "George!" I'm like he knows my name! I hug Calum (because I met him shortly before) and then Riyadh, I then presented the scrapbook I made for him and I was speechless about how much he loved it! He showed all his friends that were around us that were all AMAZING by the way. I was just beyond words, he then is like I have to vlog this, in my head I'm like I'm going to be in the video, first thought, fix my hair! Afterwards we got into a really cute chat about life and it was just so nice to really spend quality time with someone you have watched on youtube for so long.

I went to only one panel that day and that was LGBTQ+ one and I had such good time, it was really fun yet we still talked about important issues in our community and the youtubers on the panel were just legendary, Riyadh Khalaf, Laci Green, Calum Mcswiggan, Alex Bertie, Savannah Brown and Joseph Harwood were all amazing and Riyadh told me before that this was his first panel but I thought he was a natural. I was fortunate enough for my question to be answered and that really was a great feeling.

Then I met the absolutely lovely Lucy and Lydia at their 4pm meet and greet and I can honestly say that they were just so genuinely lovely and they both gave me a huge squeeze and it was like I had known them for years. Lucy and I had a great chat about how Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande isn't acknowledged enough and we all established that we are so similar!! They were really just the definition of lovely and I only wished I had more time to speak to them, but you know how meet and greets work.

My day was pretty amazing and I would like to thank everyone who had a part to play in this year's Summer in the City and I can't wait for next year!

George x

Sunday 16 August 2015

10 Facts About Me

Here goes...

1. I have a slight, very slight bit of hoarder in me, I don't know why but I am a magazine hoarder and I can't seem to part with my magazines and I pretty much have every magazine I have ever bought in my wardrobe. They either have articles about my favourite youtubers or celebrities so its kind of stemmed from that.

2. I am obsessed with musicals, I have been mesmerised by them since I was a young child and my dad used to take me to see the shows up in the West End. My firm favourites are Miss Saigon, (which you are probably sick of me talking about), Billy Elliot, Hairspray and Wicked, oh and don't forget Les Mis! One of my dreams is to be on the West End and be in a show and it has been that way since I was about four.

3. I have such an eclectic taste in music its unreal really, many of my friends laugh when they say listen to music with me because my playlists are always so different. For example it will be say Disney or a musical song then it will be the 1975 to Ingrid Michaelson to proper RnB then maybe throw a bit of Sam Smith, TheLineUp (Maya and Julia) recommendations and some really oldies like motown music and a bit of S Club. That is a very accurate presentation of a George playlist!

4. I love Romantic Comedies and Romanitc films so much, I always have and always will and yes I do ball my eyes out in the majority of them. Notting Hill is a firm fave and also films like The Notebook, One Day you name it, I've probably seen it and loved it!

5. This links a little to the last one and that is that I am a certified cryer, I cry quite often and in pretty much every film, its sometimes a little embarrassing but I embrace it because its part of who I am. I just get so into films and I really get into the characters shoes and also I'm a hopeless romantic and am very in touch with my emotions, crying in the cinema is definitely not alien to me. Also I do have certain times when I will cry by the click of a finger:
1. If my mum cries
2. The ending of The Parent Trap
3. Miss Saigon
4. Airport reunions (this has happened often at the airport)
5. Disney
6. Piano music (especially if my mum plays)

6. I am Disney obsessed and have been ever since I can remember and I really want to audition and work in DisneyWorld for a gap year or something! So I could go there everyday! I just am in love with all things Disney.

7. My favourite film is The Parent Trap and it has been for forever and I mean that, the Lindsay Lohan one obviously! It just never fails to make me smile and cry! I practically know all the words so you have to really love me or be brave to watch it with me. I know I'm weird... okay.

8. I have four pillows on my bed and they have to be in an exact order and if they aren't I can't function at all.

9. As you probably already know I love fashion and I have always been in love with clothes and putting things together, I practically grew up in shops like Jigsaw (its a women's clothes shop in England, fun fact The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, yes I still call her that, used to work there). Anyway yes, fashion is one of my passions, I'm like Jade from Bratz!

10. When I'm older I'd like to either work in fashion e.g. in a fashion magazine such as Vogue, GQ or Elle or perform and be an actor and be on the West End or hopefully have a successful blog and potential youtube channel. Those are my three passions performing, fashion and blogging in an ideal world I'd be able to do them all. Maybe one day I will be able too, who knows?

Thank you so much for sticking with me through these 10 facts, hopefully I haven't completely scared   you and that you still feel like you want to be on this journey with me.

George x

Sunday 2 August 2015

Review: Miss Saigon

I am an absolute musical lover, I just can't get enough of them and last night I went to see Miss Saigon, we were up in London and we just fancied seeing a show so we ended up getting last minute tickets for the 7:30pm show. I had wanted to see it for quite a while and I had really high expectations because I was told how amazing it was and I wasn't disappointed. It was incredible, spectacular, amazing, sensational plus many more adjectives with the same theme! I am quite a tough critic and to me this was one of the best musicals I have ever seen.

The cast was incredible too, Eva Noblezada was truly breathtaking as Kim, her vocals and her performance were down to a t, perfect, in my eyes, the power in her voice was just beautiful and really pulled on my heart strings. The fact that this show is her West End debut gives me great excitement to see what she will do in the future.

Next, Richard Carson as Chris was sensational, his vocals were truly incredible and I couldn't have asked for a better portrayal of Chris, he played the role perfectly. His connection with Eva was so beautiful and it did bring a tear to my eye. His duet with her, Sun And Moon was so magical and I will always remember that. Also This Money's Yours, oh there was so many great moments!

There really isn't anything bad I can say about this show, it really just put me in absolute awe. The other characters like Ellen and Thuy were also incredible they were played by Carolyn Maitland and Sangwoong Jo, both outstanding and Carolyn's rendition of Maybe was incredible and brought me to tears. Sangwoong as Thuy really was brilliant, he really played the role perfectly and even though you weren't really supposed to like him because of his character, I really admired his performance.

Wow, the Engineer, played by Christian Rey Marbella, now he brought the comedy to the musical and he really did it well, he's a really talented man and he executed his role wonderfully and he did make me laugh in the midst of my tear shed.

Natalie Mendoza as Gigi also really stood out for me, her vocals were so beautiful and so powerful and I felt so sorry for her character and she will really stick with me and pulled many of my heart strings. The Movie In My Mind rendition was just beautiful.

Overall I thought the show was just breathtaking and I would go again to see it in a heartbeat and I'm planning to again around christmas. I haven't yet listened to anything else but the soundtrack yet, it was just incredible thats all I can say, incredible. I just want to say a huge well done to the whole cast you were all just brilliant and don't forget Tam, who was just absolutely adorable!  This is my new favourite musical! I seriously recommend going to see it, you won't regret it.

George x

Sunday 12 July 2015

June Favourites

I know we are already half way through July, but I figured that well I had a lot of favourites through June so I wanted to share them with you.

One of my food favourites was when I went to this ice cream place in Barcelona called Eyescream and Friends, the reason I saw it was because one of Estée's (essiebutton's) subscribers recommended it to her. I really liked the whole experience in there it was really cool and the outcome was a happy me! Look at the eyes, aren't they adorable!

Thanks to Savina's photography 

This next favourite is a book, last month I read We are Liars and I did really enjoy it however I felt the ending wasn't as good as the rest of the book however I still enjoyed it and think that E. Lockhart is a remarkable writer, I just wasn't a fan of the ending. But I loved the last page!

In July, I ate quite a lot of apples and peanut butter and I am not ashamed of that! It's delicious and it doesn't feel really bad for you but it also tastes so good!

Another food favourite of mine was yoghurt and granola and this month we purchased some different honey called Raw health, organic maya honey which I think is so nice and also Lizi's granola is probably my favourite granola out there. The yoghurt I mostly use is The Collective because I think its so delicious and thick and it fills me up more than regular yoghurt, plus I love their flavours my favourites are Mango or Russian Fudge.

My favourite outfit during my holiday in Barcelona was probably the one I wore the day we went shopping because my sunglasses my top and to me thats everything!

Here's me in the outfit, to be honest I'm not sure what I'm doing!

Sunglasses- UO
Top- UO
Shorts- H&M
Shoes- Nike Roshe Runs

My music favourites consisted of Ingrid Michaelson's album Everybody, Little Mix's Black Magic and Jason Derulo's Want to want me, oh! and Paramore's Last Hope, Hate To See Your Heart Break and Evanessence's Hello.

So that's my main favourites of June, thanks for bearing with me since its July but, oh well!

George x


Sunday 5 July 2015


As an end of GCSEs getaway, my friends and I went to stay with our friend, Savina who lives out in Barcelona. And lets just say we had an amazing time!

We did a range of different things from doing the typical tourist adventures to acting like locals at Sant Joan, which we told to be a festival that people celebrate at the end of the school year and they have fireworks all night and theres lots of music. They also have this cake they have for special occasions in Spain and we had some, my mouth was like a firework! It was amazing and I ended up eating quite a few pieces again, no shame.  It was really fun however it was really, and I mean really loud, Spanish fireworks are like English fireworks on steroids and they are also right in front of you! That night we saw a shooting star and I know it sounds corny but it was really magical since I hadnt seen a proper one before! I made my wish of course and it was probably one of the highlights of the trip. I think the reason for it was because of the atmosphere and we were all together on the beach under the stars and it was just (typical english person saying) lovely.

We went to the beach a lot to get nice and bronzed and Barcelona beach is such a great beach because it is around loads of great places to eat and also amazing ice cream parlours, we had a lot of ice cream during our time there and I don't regret a single scoop! The sea was amazingly cold and it was a lot clearer than I imagined because of it being by a city. The weather while we were out there was great overall, there was one day that was a little overcast but it was still lovely and warm and it was also the perfect temperature to go shopping and explore the city. Before going to Barcelona I would always say to Savina that the only shops in Spain were Mango and Zara but I was proved wrong. The array of shops was so good, however nothing really jumped out at me. Most of my money was spent on food, I have no shame. The food out there was just amazing, the flavours, the smell, just ah!

On another topic of food, the market Las Ramblas, oh my, it was magical, there was so much colour and it was just the home of any foodie! It was a mixture of fruit, fish (that definitely wasn't my favourite! The smell) and sweet treats mainly however there was other little independent tapas bars which looked great too! I couldn't resist not getting anything so I bought a strawberry and banana smoothie, I know to some people this mind seem "boring" however my view is if the place is good the simplest thing will be the best, for example in Italy I would get a margherita, so thats why! It was sensational and so delicious, it was perfect for a hot day. Let's just say I will be going back.

We couldn't go to Spain without being a little touristy so we went to La Sagrada Familia, which if you do ever go to Barcelona you need to go! It was amazing and definitely one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen, it actually made feel quite emotional. Surprise there! Although I'm not the most religious of people I really enjoyed experiencing the beauty of the cathedral.

We also went to some great restaurants in the evening and also cooked a couple of nights for ourselves with what Veritas (a spanish supermarket we went in frequently) had to offer, shoutout to Raquel, I bet you miss us.

Overall that is my little summary of Barcelona and little snippet of what I encountered, if you ever go or you have been tell me about it. I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.

George x

p.s these pictures are a mixture of mine and my friends, got to get the photo creds in there somehow!

Sunday 28 June 2015

A Little Catch Up

It's been a while, I'm sorry I've been away for 2 weeks I finished my GCSEs on the 17th and then went to Barcelona till friday so I didn't want to just put something rubbish on.

I'm planning on doing 2 posts a week throughout the summer on a tuesday and a sunday, don't take that as scripture but I'm going to try. I'm hoping to do more fashion related posts full of my growing sunglasses collection. I'm addicted its getting quite serious.

This picture is of me having an amazing time in Barcelona and trying to ruin my friends picture of the cool door, I think it turned out well.

My outfit is:

Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters
Top: Urban Outfitters
Bag: Dockers (borrowed from my dad)
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: Nike Roshe Runs

Anyways, I'm back and I'm looking forward to post more frequently since schools out.

George x

Sunday 7 June 2015

My Current Playlist

I've been mainly listening to these songs at the moment for some reason I've really been into the ballads lately and its been a good revision break to just relax and listen to some music! In reality, mouthing it powerfully in my room!

1) Honeymoon Avenue- Ariana Grande
2) I Wish- Toni Braxton
3) Reverie- Ludovico Einaudi
4) Four Five Seconds- Astrid S
5) Love Me Like You Do- Gabby Lindley and Hobbie Stuart
6) Other Woman- Paloma Faith
7) Girls- The 1975
8) Tattooed Heart- Ariana Grande
9) Sugar- Maroon 5
10) Because You Loved Me- Celine Dion
11) Leave Your Lover- Sam Smith
12) Girls Chase Boys- Ingrid Michaelson
13) Clean- Taylor Swift
14) When You Say Nothing At All- Ronan Keating
15) Afterlife- Ingrid Michaelson

There's a mix of nostalgic music and a bit of Ariana in there which normally I'm not massive on her but I love those two songs, a piece of piano music to calm me down and some power ballads to keep me strong!

George x

Saturday 30 May 2015

Meeting Connor Franta / London Day OOTD

Photo credits to one of my best friends and fellow blogger- hollyjadewillis.blogspot.com

Sunglasses- Urban Outfitters
Jacket- Levis
T-shirt- Urban Outfitters
Jeans- Topman
Shoes- Converse

On the 25th of May, Holly and I ventured to London with out eyes and hearts set on meeting Connor at his London Book Signing. Well obviously we were going to since we had tickets, but anyway! We got in the queue at about 10:45 which we thought would be quite late but we actually had a good place in the queue. The excitement was bubbling all around and there was laughter and squeals everywhere you turned. It was magical. During our time in the queue we met some lovely people called Rory and Brittany, we ended up having so much fun in the queue with them and ended up wondering around London after. That is one thing I absolutely love about youtube is that you can make new friends from it and the community is just so lovely.

After a long time in the queue, it was my turn to get my book signed and get a cuddle. The only way I can properly describe Connor is that he's a sweetie. He was just so lovely and down to earth and an absolutely amazing hugger. It was truly a lovely experience the only thing I would change was the time limit but that is what everyone would say. I had a great no amazing no incredible time.

If you met Connor what was your experience like? I would love to know! 

George x


Sunday 24 May 2015

My Favourite Smoothie at the moment!


My favourite smoothie at the moment is one of Maddie Shaw's recipes. It's called the Green Avacado and Mango smoothie. It's really delicious and also really healthy. 

The Ingredients are:

200ml of almond milk
1/2 mango
1/4 cucumber 
1/2 avocado
1 handful of spinach
The juice of 1 lime

It's quick and easy and super nutritious, I highly recommend trying this. Go Green!

                                                               George x

Sunday 17 May 2015

Tyler Oakley Tour '15 #SpookySlumberParty

    Photo creds to hollyjadewillis.blogspot.com

On Friday I went to Tyler Oakley's Slumber Party in London and it was absolutely AMAZING! I had such a fun night and I laughed so much, I also cried a little but that was because I was in the same room as my Queen so I was a little overwhelmed. One of the highlights of the night was when Korey noticed Holly and I and copied our pose! It was so funny and I could not believe that he was there too I am a full fledged Pyscho baby so it was a big deal!

What was also quite funny was that when I arrived at the venue, I was walking with Holly, Priya and Priya and I was just casually walking when Holly saw this group of girls pointing at me and one of them said Tyde. This being Tyde Levi, just clarifying girls I'm not Tyde, I'm George! It was so funny because that wasn't the first time thats happened to me. I don't think we look a like.

Tyler, oh tyler, you are my queen slay me! The show was just outstanding and it was so funny and Tyler was just fabulous as always he never can't make me smile and friday definitely proved that. What was also really cool was that Lucy and Lydia and also Victoria (inthefrow) were there in the audience and I saw them blog which was really cool to me. I was like, "I have seen a youtuber vlog, I'm complete." I was going to ask for a selfie after the show but there was so many people and it was late so hopefully I will get the chance to some time. I did get a wave from them all, you know when you can tell the wave was for you, that happened and I felt really special. So I might be in their blog, look out for me!

So here are some sneaky pictures...

                                                                        In the queue!

I don't know what I look like in this picture but I don't care!

Here's a picture after when we were all sweaty, nice!

If any of you guys went let's start a little convo in the comments, I'd love to see how you found it find out about your Tyler story/experience. 

George x


Sunday 10 May 2015

Prom '15

On Friday the 8th I had my school Prom. It was one of the greatest nights of my life so I wanted to share it will you guys! I danced all night and had some absolutely amazing quality time with my friends. It was also quite sad to think that it would be the last time we would all be together.  Anyway before I ramble here are some photos...

We had a surprise Limo pick us up, it was absolutely amazing!

My suit was from Burton, I got it in the sale for more than half of the price off.

Burgundy suit- Burton
Shirt and tie- Asos
Belt- Hermes (amazon!)
Watch- Larsson and Jennings
Brogues- Topman

Our ride!

I really enjoyed it, I had so much fun and I couldn't have better friends.

So that was just a few photos from my school Prom. If you've had your prom recently or yours is coming up. Feel free to share and chat about your prom experiences.

George x


Sunday 3 May 2015

April Favourites

This month I have mostly been revising so not that much has occurred however I did manage to rustle up some favourites.

Paper Towns- John Green

It was April's buttons bookshelf and I was so excited to read this because the film is coming out soon! I'm so excited to see Cara play Margo Roth Spiegelman! LOVE HER!

I have also really been loving sleep throughout the easter break I have been having lots of rest and I just feel so tranquil thinking about sleep, just ah!

Pretty Little Liars had been an absolute fave! I am nearly on season 4, I know I'm behind but it has been the perfect way to have a break from revision. And everything about it is just so amazing. Its so addictive!

Another favourite has been smoothies, I have nearly made a smoothie everyday this month and I have been experimenting with lots of different recipes. They are so tasty and healthy which is a bonus and they just make me feel a lot happier drinking them.

East Lynne- Lisa Evans

I had to read a play for my Speech and Drama exam it's called East Lynne and I have to admit I was a bit sceptical I thought its going to be really dreary and not very interesting. However reading it has completely changed my mind I really got emerged into it and really felt sorry for the main character. If you ever want a quick read you should check it out.

As you would have seen I went to London with my friend Holly and I brought some new sunglasses and I love them! PURE and SIMPLE. They just are different to my classic black Ray Bans and I love the kind of dip dye effect of the grey, ah! I just LOVE sunglasses. They were £18.

I also went to Foyles (a book shop in London) and it was so beautiful, (see pictures in my London post) it was just so magical and such a lovely shop and I saw lots of beautiful cover and I just want to go again and again for all eternity.

My fashion favourite for this month was my denim jacket because it has finally started to be warm enough in England to wear one without being cold and I have been enjoying that. Holly and I love to match (look in my London post :) )

My favourite youtuber of the month has been Estée, EssieButton, what a surprise! But I have just been loving chilling out and watching her videos if you haven't seen her video with her grandma of what's in her grandma's bag? You need to now because its so funny and her grandma is so adorable!

P.S I'm going to get a new template soon to make my blog beautiful. Just to let you know; to be frank I'm getting tired of my old background, I'm thinking minimal. It says between 24 hours.

George x


Monday 27 April 2015

Surprise Catch Up post!


On Saturday I went to Bluewater (a shopping mall in England) with my auntie and my cousin to get my birthday present. My 16th is on the 2nd and I'm so excited, just thought I'd slip that in. So we went to Urban Outfitters, Topman, H&M and for the first time I went to Uni Qlo. Which really reminded me of foetus Jim Chapman! In Urban Outfitters I got a white t-shirt with a black collar and black rimmed sleeves, which I really liked. It's simple but its just that bit different. In Topman I tried some pieces on however they weren't birthday present material and there was this jacket that I saw on the model that is so beautiful, its a navy biker jacket. However after constant searching from a really helpful Topman employee, nothing. Which I was very bummed out about. H&M didn't have anything that really stood out either however I did see some classic staples I might pick up at some point. In Uni Qlo I got a denim shirt because I only have a cheap one so I thought, I'll get a nice one and its so nicely fitted and its a great shade of denim.

Recently I have also been listening to a playlist I made on iTube, its got Gabby and Hobbie's - Love Me Like You Do cover, (if you haven't heard it yet, its AMAZING), Sugar- Maroon 5, Lie a little better- Lucy Hale, You sound good to me- Lucy Hale and Walkashame- Meghan Trainor. Its been on loop all week and all the songs are really light hearted and just make me smile which I need at the moment since my GCSEs are soon.

I'm currently reading Paper Towns by John Green since the film is coming out soon and I'm so excited I love Cara and Nat Wolff, I have a feeling its gonna be good.

I also got my Leavers Hoodie this week and it is so comfortable and the minute I have got home everyday this week it has been put on. Its oversized and so cosy, I love being comfortable.

My main activity recently has been revising so I thought as a little break I would write a blogpost and upload it today!

George x


Sunday 26 April 2015

Connor Franta's That Type of Person Tag!

I thought this would be a good idea for you guys to find out more about me so here it goes...

Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?

Do you drink your cereal milk?
Hell Yes!

CDs, Radio or Phone?
Phone mostly sometimes CDs depends on the journey.

Window or aisle?
Depends on my mood, I like the window seat but with the aisle its easy to move your legs.

Fold or crumple?

Shampoo then body wash or body wash then shampoo?
Shampoo then body wash obviously!

Stressed or relaxed?
I'm mainly stressed but I think thats to do with my age and school.

Patient or impatient?

Schedule or go with flow?

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A vet or a dancer

Prankster or not?

Dressed Up or Dressed Down?

Sleep with your doors open or closed?

Sheets tucked in or out?

Have you ever stolen anything?
A piece of fudge when I was little.

Tattoos or piercing?
It really all depends whether they are nice or not.

Smile in every photo?

Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yeah and pooped but that was desperate times.

Concert or Theme Park?

Music or books?
How can you make me choose?

Animated or Reality?
Reality, the KARDASHIANS!

Letter or email?

First Concert?
X Factor tour 

Do you own a record player?
Why yes

Do you speak any different languages?
A little Español and a tiny bit of French.

Sweet or Savoury?
Both because Guac and cupcakes!

Can you curl your tongue?

Can you touch your tongue with your nose?

Can you whistle?

Have you ever won a spelling bee?
Never because they don't do them in England really.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in Aliens?

So thats 35 answers about me I hope that enlightened you a little in the mythical and magical world which is my brain.

The link to Connor's video if you haven't seen it already... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hlsvWKEbs4

George x

Sunday 19 April 2015

"Get in loser, we're going shopping"- London Edition

Today one of my best friends Holly, (also a blogger) and I went to London on a shopping day as a break from revision and we had a really nice day so I'd like to share it with you.

Firstly we went to Covent and I stumbled into Urban Outfitters (surprise) and I bought some sunglasses cause I love me some sunglasses! 

And the sunglasses were £18 which I thought was quite a good price and I really am in love with  the grey! 

A bit later we went to Foyles and it was my first time going and can I say that it was AMAZING! There were so many books and the books were all so beautiful; being in that shop made me feel very happy inside and seeing LoveTanya in there was just amazing because it was in the same shop and classics like Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre and I felt so proud of her.


We were in there for a while looking through the books and it was just so magical and I felt really zen!

While walking around we came across a little art exhibition in there and we also saw this amazing wall of Alexander McQueen sketches.

Then after we went to Pret for lunch and we ate that in King Cross station because Holly wanted to show me Platform 9 3/4 and it was amazing it was the first time I had seen it and it was quite hard to not cry. We didn't get a picture because of the queue but we did go in the shop and it was truly lovely and delightful! (Very British words!)

I had to get a picture of the Ravenclaw's diadem,
being a member of Ravenclaw.

Then I put on the Ravenclaw scarf that I will have one day! However my budget didn't stretch that far on one item. I look pretty excited and it was so soft.

I felt magical in this!

A quick ootd too...

Sunglasses- Urban Outfitters
Jacket- Levis
Turtle neck- Topman
Trousers- Topman
Bracelet- Thomas Sabo
Shoes- Nike Roshe Runs

Then we went to Oxford Street and went to Topshop, PINK and of course Urban Outfitters! Where we actually saw Niomi, (Niomi Smart) however we didn't want to interrupt her shopping day with her friend so we just admired from a far. By the way she looks so beautiful in real life I say that about all the youtubers I've met but yeah she looked lovely!

In Topshop/Topman

A cheeky shoe pic!

Then in Urban Outfitters we found some bucket hats! Don't we look DIVINE?!

Then we ended up back in Covent Garden and mooched around a little and then we went to Starbucks and got a Raspberry Blackcurrent drink and a cinnamon swirl each and it was delightful! While in Covent Garden we saw this display in a window and I loved it!

I had such a great day out and I just thought it would be nice to share with you. Holly's blog is hollyjadewillis.blogspot.com go check it out.

George x

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