Wednesday 25 January 2017

5 things I do when I'm feeling low

1) Listen to The Color Purple soundtrack, I absolutely love this album! Cynthia's voice automatically gives me life and makes me smile. I always sing I'm here and afterwards it just makes me feel on top of the world. Thank you for this album I don't know what I'd do without it.

2) Listen to a podcast whether it is a Desert Island Disc, The PanDolly Podcast, Jules and Sarah or Ctrl Alt Delete, I just clear my mind and relax whenever I listen to a podcast. Adore them.

3) Watch a sad film, sometimes I like to just let it all out and embrace how I am feeling because if you bottle things up it isn't going to achieve anything.

4) Watch youtube, youtube is such an escape for me and there's just something about it which calms me down. Top youtubers that I turn to are Roly, Riyadh, Estée, Calum, The Michalaks and Megan Ellaby.

5) Make myself a chocolate ovaltine, now this is one of my favourite drinks and the aroma and the warmth just makes me feel all cosy and content. It also makes me sleepy which means it gives my mind a rest.

Those are just some things I do when I'm not feeling my greatest. We all have our down days but hopefully you take some inspiration from this and think about what makes you feel zen and cheers you up. So in the future you'll know how to look after yourself.

Lots of love 

George x

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