Wednesday 4 January 2017

Is reading/writing for pleasure harming my studies?

I don't know if it's just me but hear me out. I am in my final year at school and I have something on my mind. As it is the beginning of the new year I have set myself my resolutions as I do every year. Two of the main targets for me are to read and write more however I have found already that school could potentially make this very difficult. 

What I mean is that I am at school everyday and when I get home I have books that are set for me to read and essays for me to write. This takes time out of me reading books that catch my eye in Foyles or essays interrupting me writing blogposts or anything I fancy. I don't want you to think that I don't see the importance in education, I do, but it's just taking its toll on me at this point in my life. Maybe that's why typically your secondary education finishes when you're eighteen because you've grown out of it and you're finding who you are and what you're interested in? That's interesting I've never looked at it like that before. I have to admit before the Christmas break I was terrified about leaving school but now I feel like I'm ready and that's good. 

This particular thought came to me when I was reading 'Inside Vogue' by Alexandra Shulman because there was this feeling of guilt in my head because I wasn't reading my set text. In addition to this, I feel awful for writing this post instead of writing an essay, which is so frustrating because my blog makes me happy and it lets me be creative. This is just a thought I'm having that I wanted to vent. I hope that things change or my outlook alters. I'll just have to try and find a balance for the time being. 

G x

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