Tuesday 3 January 2017

Book Buying, Bolero and Bonbons

Hiya, if you're reading this, welcome if you're new. Welcome back if you're not. I thought I'd start the new year with a little post about my first couple of days of 2017. 

As probably everyone's first day of the New Year I was slightly worse for ware and taking things very easy. Meaning I spent the day watching Sex and the City episodes. I had a great time. Anyway yesterday to kind of send off the festive season we went ice skating at Somerset House. Somerset House is one of my favourite places in London and has been since I was young. It's such a magical place and I love ice skating so it was a pretty good way to start the new year. 

After we took a walk along the Southbank and of course I had to go into Foyles and as always I did not come out empty handed. I picked up Inside Vogue by Alexandra Shulman and I haven't been able to put it down since I bought it. Seriously if you're interested in fashion, journalism or just a bad ass women, this is the book for you. 

Afterwards we stumbled across the Dutch pancakes stand, the looked so good that I just had to have some and my oh my they were amazing. One of my new years resolutions is to treat myself more so I'm already doing something on my list, win win. If you are confused this is supposed to be the bonbons part of the title, I know its not completely correct but I wanted the use of alliteration in my first post of the year. 

One of my resolutions is to write more, so hopefully I'll be posting more regularly on whatever pops into my mind. Of course there will still be regular fashion and favourites posts but I also want to just discuss whatever is on my mind and add to conversations.

Anyway, I'll love you and leave you. I hope you have a magical 2017 and I hope you'll check in with me along the way.

lots of love

George x

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