Friday 6 January 2017

My New Years Resolutions

Today, I thought I would talk about my resolutions. I understand that resolutions are a bit like marmite however I like making them and I enjoy finding out what other people's are. 

1) The first is that I want to do yoga once a week. The reason for this is mainly because I have always been jealous of people who can be zen and I've always wanted to be part of the zen gang. To start off I am going to just do it in my room to youtube videos but I hope when I get better I could find a class to go to.

2) The next is to go to the gym at least once a week, this is mainly for my health as well. Mental and physical. I want to be the best version of me and feel better and fitter.

3) Again, another exercise related one, I want to stick to a short daily routine of exercises that I can do in the morning to help me start the day. I have so far been sticking to it and I feel less tired and groggy when I get to school with is nice for myself and my friends.

4) I want to read more and read a wider variety of books this year. This was on my list last year and I think it will be every year. I feel that last year I didn't read as much as I would have liked so I'm going to really commit to this. 

5) My next one I also had on my list last year and failed to do and that is to start a youtube channel, my thoughts on starting a channel have been circling my mind for at least, so this year I'm going to venture into filming. I'm hoping to get it up and running some point this year and start with a vlog of when I'm in New York so I'll keep you posted. 

6) I also this year want to write more, whether it be short stories, blogposts, articles anything. I just love writing and I want to explore that even more this year. Hence why I'm aiming to post everyday of January. 

7) This year I am aiming is to be a year of self love and self care, I want to do more things for myself. Such as buying myself something nice or making sure I have that Sunday night bath, little things. 

8) I want to explore more of London, it is one of my all time favourite cities and I just want to get to know it better.

9) This is another one which I have every year, which is experience new things, whether its seeing new theatre or just trying different food, I just want to explore this year.

10) Lastly, I want to appreciate more and take time to acknowledge the good in my life.

2017 for me is going to be the year that I really work on myself and be the best version of me. I want to fill my soul this year with experiences and just make the most of taking time for me. 

I hope you have an amazing 2017 and achieve everything you wish for.

Lots of love 

George x

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