Sunday 8 January 2017

How I define my style

I find it rather ironic that I'm writing today's post about style whilst I'm in my pyjamas. Anyhow today I just wanted to write about style and my particular style. I like to compare my style to my music taste because they are both eclectic.

I am really heavily influenced by vintage style and especially what I like to call vintage gay style. If you've seen the film Pride, imagine that, I take a lot of my ideas from that. I feel it's almost an homage to my predecessors in the gay community and commemorating them. Plus I feel it really works on me. The tops tucked in your trousers, rolled up trousers, that sort of vibe.

I also get a lot of my style inspiration from women and women I admire such as Estée Lalonde, Megan Ellaby and Pandora Sykes. How I explain this to people is that these women wear absolutely incredible pieces and they just look effortlessly chic. I like to take ideas from them like colour and fabrics which I can apply to my wardrobe.

This year I am making myself almost step out of my comfort zone and wear pieces that I would previously be too conscious to wear. Which I'm actually really excited about, style is so personal and such an important creative outlet to express yourself and I just adore it.

So to kind of coin my style which I still don't think I can do, is that it has many influences from vintage to modern pieces, so eclectic. Yeah let's stick with that.

I hope that you enjoyed this post and that it made you think about your style and what makes your style yours.

Lots of love 

George x

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