Thursday 12 January 2017

Being gay in the world

Recently I have been feeling how I feel that I take a lot for granted especially in terms of my sexuality. My coming out experience was thankfully pretty smooth sailing and I haven't experience anything homophobic in quite a while. Other than being bullied when I was younger, this was before coming out, I luckily haven't been subjected to any hate of recent. Touch wood. I get to marry who I wish in my country and I get to be myself everyday. We have come a long way in terms of LGBTQ issues, I can even tell that there's been such a shift in my lifetime.

I was thinking about all this the other day and then I thought about the seventeen year old gay boy living in one of the 72 countries in the world where it is illegal to be gay. How I would feel, it was hard for me to come out in the accepting place I live but I cannot even fathom what must be going through the head of someone just like me but happens to be not so lucky. This really hit home to me and I was certain that I wanted to write a post about this. I wanted to share this with you as I think it's so important and although we have come a long way, there is still so much more to be done.

So this year I want to get more involved with the conversation and look into more charities and organisations which tackle these sorts of issues. I would greatly appreciate if you even retweeted anything you see on this, doing your own research even better. Maybe we could compare what we found and have a chat about it.

Lots of love

George x

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