Tuesday 24 January 2017

Face masks, tea and a chat

I've currently got my face mask and Biore strip drinking a cup of tea so I thought to just do a chatty post where we just have a catch up. Although a rather one sided one, I'll pretend your talking back to me.

I have recently been rehearsing for my final A level drama piece, we are working on a creative adaption of Medea which I am finding incredibly interesting. If you already know the story of Medea you will understand that she is painted in an awful light however what we are trying to achieve is change the perspective and tell the story through her eyes and ask the question is she a mother or a murderer? I am really enjoying creating my own piece of theatre and it has encouraged me to think and create new ideas for writing an original play of my own.

School is alright, I cannot believe that by June I will have finished secondary school, a school I have been at since I was nine. I am so excited for the next chapter in my life however I am going to miss my school terribly.

I have just finished watching all the episodes of Sex and the City as I am going to New York soon. I have so much love for that show, it is the perfect thing to watch single. I cannot wait to explore New York and find the spots where they shot the show and live my Carrie Bradshaw fantasy. It is my first time going to New York and I can't even describe to you how excited I am. I have wanted to go to New York ever since I can remember, the majority of my favourite television shows are based or have had parts that are in New York so I already feel like I have a connection to the place. I am also planning on vlogging the trip so I hope that all works out. I am also planning on writing some posts about it too so watch out for them if you're interested.

Some youtubers I am really loving at the moment are Lucy Moon who actually inspired me to blog everyday of January, as she is uploading everyday this month, her videos are just amazing and I would love to create content as good as hers one day. Another youtuber I have recently started watching is Carrie Rad, I was introduced to her videos through Estée and she has become really quickly someone who I levitate too. Her videos and vlogs are just so up my street and they also keep me zen when I feel all hormonal (yes boys have hormones too).

We'll have to have another chat someone.

Lots of love 

George x

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