Sunday 22 January 2017

A little bit of self-care

This year is my year of self care and this weekend I have tried to stick to that principle. This weekend I spent time with family and relaxed. I have found this really beneficial, just watching films and going out for lunch was almost like going to a yoga class. It has re-set me for the week and I'm hoping this week I'll have more time do write some more wordy posts and talk about some issues. 

So my advice to you is not to stress out, I am so bad with that sort of thing but sometimes you just need to chill out. I'm writing this with a face mask on, doing my Sunday spa routine. This is one of my favourite things to do, pamper myself on a Sunday so I feel ready and raring to go for the week.
I hope you've had a great weekend and that you go on and have a great week. By the way if you're like me and still love a good cartoon, make sure you check out Sing. It was so cute and it had so many great actors in it.

Lots of love 

George x

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