Monday 16 January 2017

Something I wrote on the bus

I am sitting on the bus on my way to school listening to a podcast, looking at the same of fences, the same houses and the same pavements. Contemplating what's going to happen to me. I am seventeen years old and I am thinking about what I'm going to do with my life. My everyday routine. I have many emotions and hormones which are taking over my body and I need somewhere to blurt out all my feelings. This could be anything from my workload to my absolutely atrocious love life and my inability to find a boyfriend.

I feel that there needs to be a survival guide for us gay teens at this particular stage in our lives. However teens, whoever you are and whatever your identity, I hope that this book could be a platform for you to learn from my mistakes and be a little bit of light relief for you if you are going through this stressful time which is your last year at school.

There seems to be nothing when it comes to novels speaking about being this possibly problematic age, so I've decided to document this next year of my life and hope by sharing this will empower you, my dear reader. As I feel we as people we find the age of seventeen a challenging one, don't we? I hope it isn't just me. It's all not all what the Abba song cracks it up to be I can tell you. Yes I might be "young and sweet only seventeen" but there's a lot more to it than that. 

As teenagers we are normally shunned off by adults who say that we don't know what life is like yet and we don't have a clue. Yes to an extent we don't as we have been at school since the age of four however I feel I have a pretty good idea about what life is like more me right now. Life is always changing and evolving and at this very moment, this is what we are experiencing now. 

George x

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