Friday 27 January 2017

My train story

There is not really a compiled post today as I had quite an interesting evening.

I got on the train from my usual place back to my house however the train did not stop at my station. I thought, okay, I'll get off at the next one. It didn't stop there either. At this point my phone had 1% on it, I quickly wrote the person who was picking me up's number on my hand and then that minute my phone died.

I asked the girl in my carriage if I could borrow her phone and she let me and I tried to call the number multiple times although there was no response. I then texted and about twenty minutes later I got a reply. I then got talking to a boy on the train and all three of us teamed together and worked out how we were going to get home.

We ended up taking the longest route to what we thought was Cannon Street and then ended up at London Victoria. We got off the train at the platform and walked up towards the guard and asked when the next train was, he pointed to the exact one we were on. We then got straight back on it and went back down into Kent. Going the long way again. We ended up chatting, reading newspapers and playing MASH to pass the time.

It took us 2 and a 1/2 hours in the end for a fifteen minute journey, so if you can imagine, I was really pleased.

Anyway that was my Friday night adventure, hopefully yours wasn't as eventful.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Lots of love

George x

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