Wednesday 11 January 2017

What I'm loving on Netflix at the moment

Today I've got to keep this brief as I'm currently revising for two mock exams tomorrow.

I thought we'd just have a little chat about what I'm loving on Netflix at the moment.

Gilmore Girls- now if you follow this blog you'll know that I love this show, if you're feeling like a really easy going but amazing show to binge on, this is the one for you.

Hurricane Bianca- I absolutely loved this film, I adore Bianca Del Rio and I was so excited to watch this and it didn't disappoint. A great laugh.

Funny Girl and The way we were, I absolutely love Barbra Streisand, I look up to her greatly and she's just an incredible woman. If you haven't seen these two classics, where have you been? If you have time definitely give them a watch!

Holding the man, oh my god, this film. It's incredible, it's such a beautiful and emotional film and if you haven't seen it, please I beg you, do.

Documentary wise I found Orientated very interesting, it follows some gay men living in Israel/Palestine, their lives and their coming out experiences. So if you're into that sort of thing, like myself. I suggest you go give that a watch too.

So that's just some content I'm loving from Netflix at the moment, whoever thought of Netflix, I think very highly of you.

Hope you're all having a good week.

Lots of love

George x

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